If you are ill with a chronic lung disease, you have likely experienced hypoxemia or hypoxia or both, these conditions limit the amount of oxygen your body is able to generate and so it greatly impacts your health. Breathlessness, fatigue, and insomnia are three of the prime symptoms associated with hypoxemia and hypoxia but all of the symptoms can be mitigated and managed with the help of supplemental oxygen therapy.
Not everyone who experiences hypoxia or hypoxia requires supplemental oxygen there are a series of tests that will inform your doctor of the serenity of your condition, and whether or not you require oxygen in order to treat your disease.
Everyone is different and everyone's disease can impact their health in different ways, therefore as a respiratory patient it is important to understand your disease to the best of your ability so you are able to treat it to the best of your ability.
While reading this article, bear in mind that everyone is different, and some things in this blog may apply to you while other aspects of your disease do not. Talk with you pulmonary health specialist, whether that is your doctor or pulmonary rehabilitation health care team to understand your disease better.
In this blog we are focusing on the contrast between hypoxia and hypoxemia and how these conditions can be treated with the help of oxygen therapy.
Oxygen therapy
There are many ways people utilize oxygen therapy. LPT Medical highly recommends some kind of portable oxygen concentrator for oxygen patients who are medically qualified for one. These devices are lightweight and run on batteries, meaning you can bring them anywhere (even on an airplane) and they will never have to be refilled.
If you are interested in the oxygen devices LPT Medical offers, call 1(800)-946-1201 to speak with a respiratory specialist. They will ask you a series of questions about your health and lifestyle in order to narrow down your options to buy a portable oxygen concentrator.
You can also take a look at these 3 other blogs that go into detail about some of LPT Medical’s best selling portable oxygen concentrators.
Comparing the Three Best Portable Oxygen Concentrators of 2021
7 Reasons to Replace Your Liquid Oxygen Tank with a Caire FreeStyle Comfort
Inogen Portable Oxygen Concentrators and You: A Match Made in Breathlessness
Having an oxygen device that you enjoy using makes life so much easier, and spending the money upfront actually saves you money in the long run, so portable oxygen concentrators are the way to go if you are on a budget.
COPD Treatments
COPD treatment consists of lifestyle changes, medication, and oxygen therapy if needed. Not every COPD patient needs long term oxygen therapy (LTOT), but if you and your doctor decide it is time to take that course of action, LTOT is a beneficial treatment that can enhance the quality of life and even add years to your life.
Hypoxemia vs. Hypoxia
Hypoxemia and hypoxia do not always coexist.
Typically, patients with hypoxemia have blood oxygen levels at or lower than 92% which is a decrease in partial pressure of oxygen blood vessels, oxygen therapy is typically a go to treatment for hypoxemia.
Many people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have hypoxemia. If you do, supplemental oxygen treatment can improve your well-being; alternatively, in some, this can lead to hypercapnia, which is the adverse effect of elevating the carbon dioxide content in the blood to toxic levels.
This is why it is important to only take oxygen when directed to by your doctor. Too much oxygen or taking supplemental oxygen when you do not need it is toxic for your system.
The adverse effect of oxygen on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is to cause increased carbon dioxide retention.
Carbon dioxide retention can look like:
- Drowsiness
- Headaches
- In severe cases lack of respiration, which may lead to death
Hypoxia means you have reduced levels of tissue oxygenation. Hypoxia can be attributed to a defective delivery of oxygen or your tissues are defective in utilizing oxygen, either way this condition will affect individuals differently based on the condition’s cause and severity.
Generally, symptoms include:
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- increased heart rate
- Headache
- bluish color in the skin, lips, or fingernails (called cyanosis)
Severe cases might even cause:
- Fainting
- Seizures
- Confusion
- Difficulty speaking
- Temporary memory loss
- Difficulty moving
- Coma
Chronic or less severe cases of hypoxia can cause general fatigue and shortness of breath, especially after physical activity.
Causes of hypoxia could be Asthma attacks and lung diseases. Both of these conditions restrict your oxygen supply thereby causing hypoxia directly.
Heart diseases can also impair your cardiac output, and decrease the blood flow to and from your organs, this is ineffective oxygen transport that causes hypoxia.
Since coronavirus (COVID-19) has emerged, this sickness has also been known to cause hypoxia.
Many people experience hypoxia when there is low oxygen concentration in the surrounding air for example at high altitudes. This is especially true for individuals with pre-existing risk factors like COPD or asthma.
Testing for Low Oxygen Levels
To test for Hypoxemia and Hypoxia, doctors will first give you a physical exam to evaluate your heart and lungs. If they recognize signs of hypoxia or hypoxemia, they can confirm these signs with other tests.
If they see signs, they will try tests like pulse oximetry which is a non-invasive test used for measuring oxygen saturation or the percentage of hemoglobin saturated with oxygen in your blood.
You can also use a pulse oximeter monitor in your everyday management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to check up on your pulmonary function, or how well your lungs are working.
An arterial blood gas test is a blood sample test used to measure the partial pressure of oxygen, oxygen saturation, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, and blood pH levels within your blood. This means the test is looking at the levels of oxygen in your blood, and whether or not they are healthy.
After all of this, your doctor may order other tests like an MRI, CT scan, echocardiogram, or electroencephalogram (EEG) in order to ensure your diagnosis, and to understand its severity. These tests will also determine the course of action your doctor will recommend you to take and any prescription medication ro oxygen therapy you may need.
Once you have been tested and it is confirmed that you are experiencing Hypoxemia and Hypoxia, either due to a chronic condition or an environmental aliment, you may require the utilization of oxygen therapy. If you have a chronic illness, you may need long term oxygen therapy.
How Does Supplemental Oxygen Help Hypoxemia and Hypoxia
Supplemental oxygen therapy improves your lungs and oragn’s ability to function, thereby reducing your symptoms, improving your well being, and even adding years to your life.
Supplemental oxygen therapy can help treat hypomania and hypoxia in many ways…
Treating Shortness of Breath
First and foremost, oxygen therapy helps you to be less short of breath, breathlessness is one of the most prevalent symptoms of lung disease, and one of the most notably uncomfortable symptoms. Relieving breathlessness can open up a lot of doors for oxygen patients to become more active and to have more energy.
Everyday activities become easier, and with the help of a lightweight portable oxygen device you can find the will to exercise which is very important to do if you have a respiratory illness.
Treating Fatigue
With the help of oxygen therapy, you will feel less fatigued because oxygen will be circulating your bloodstream and rejuvenating your organs. Once your oxygen levels are back to a normal rate, your mind and body will both feel more energized.
Treating Insomnia
People with lung disease often have a hard time sleeping. This is because of the lack of oxygen your body is receiving from your lungs with every breath if you have hypoxemia or hypoxia.
Everyone for the most part, has trouble sleeping if there is a lack of oxygen, for example, people will have trouble sleeping at higher altitudes, where there is less oxygen in the air to begin with. When you spend the night at higher altitudes than you are accustomed to, for instance in Denver, Colorado, every lungful of air you take provides fewer oxygen molecules to your body.
Lack of oxygen for long periods of time can induce insomnia, so visiting high altitude areas, or having a lung disease that impairs your bodies ability to process and use oxygen increases the risk of experiencing headaches, fatigue, digestive issues and nausea.
The lack of oxygen initiates unstable breathing patterns while you sleep, so your body works overtime to try and restore normal oxygen levels. Rather than sleeping through the night, your body will go through periods of breathing, not breathing, waking up, and dozing off, and overall you do not get good rest.
Oxygen therapy gives your body the oxygen you need so that your system does not have to struggle to oxygenate your blood and organs. Even if you do not require oxygen therapy at night while you sleep, using supplemental oxygen during the day stabilizes your oxygen levels, so when you do go to sleep you will not suffer from lack of oxygen induced insomnia.
If you do need oxygen while you sleep, it is important to have portable oxygen concentrators that can cover your oxygen requirements at night. For instance, the Respironics SimplyGo portable oxygen concentrator is CPAP/BiPAP compatible and it is equipped with both pulse flow and continuous flow oxygen delivery modes to cover you 24/7. It offers pulse flow settings 1-6 and continuous flow settings 0.5-2.0 LPM.
To learn more about this device, and the others that could help you get to sleep and stay asleep, call 1(800)-946-1201 to speak with a respiratory specialist at LPT Medical.
Oxygen is life, and not getting the oxygen you need is debilitating. Taking care of yourself means adjusting to a proper oxygen therapy regime and adhering to your treatment.
Chronic illnesses, such as COPD, are not curable, but they can be treated, and you can live a healthy and long life with these conditions.
That being said, feeling the effects of hypoxemia and hypoxia will be very uncomfortable and addressing these conditions is crucial for your wellbeing. You can address the symptoms of breathlessness, fatigue, and insomnia by utilizing your oxygen therapy.
If you are not happy with your oxygen therapy method, there are ways to make oxygen therapy more comfortable and suitable for your lifestyle. You can start by understanding your options when it comes to oxygen therapy methods, there are three different oxygen devices and depending on your oxygen prescription you can fit the requirements laid out by one or all three of these devices.
People with a high oxygen output prescriptions normally need to use an oxygen tank or a home oxygen concentrator because these devices can emit a lot of oxygen at one time, that being said there are downsides to these devices, and if you do not have to use one, there are better more mobile devices available today.
Overall it is important that you do not wait to address symptoms associated with hypoxemia or hypoxia, and that you get tested right away, because it is possible that you are experiencing signs of a chronic illness like COPD. If this is the case, treating the disease in a timely manner can be the difference between experience very severe symptoms and managing your symptoms before they get worse.
Oxygen is the most essential property of life, yet many people don't even have the ability to utilize oxygen properly due to chronic conditions such as Chronic Pulmonary Respiratory Disease (COPD). COPD is an illness that obstructs your airways either due to excess mucus clogging your airways, or your airways becoming swollen, or a mixture of both of these conditions.
When your airways within your lungs become obstructed in this way it greatly impacts your ability to breathe properly which is not only uncomfortable but it is also unhealthy because your organs and muscles are not getting the oxygen they need to function properly.
If your oxygen levels are low enough, you will qualify for oxygen therapy, which is a life saving therapy that gives lung patients a second chance to treat their disease and better manage their symptoms.
Oxygen therapy, while necessary for some people, is not free, and sometimes it is not even covered by insurance, in this article we are going over some of the most affordable oxygen equipment, and how you can implement oxygen therapy into your life without taking on a huge financial burden.
In this article we will go over:
- Oxygen devices
- Getting your oxygen tanks delivered
- Oxygen equipment prices comparison
Oxygen Equipment Options
There are 3 main options for oxygen equipment, and they all range in their operational capacities, in prices, and they all offer different lifestyle accommodations.
Oxygen gas, compressed liquid oxygen, and home and portable oxygen concentrators are the main forms of oxygen equipment available. Each method offers the user a different experience, but it is not always the decision of the oxygen patient which method they will use.
The most important determining factor is people’s oxygen requirement that is determined by their doctors through a series of tests. These respiratory tests can be in the form of a blood test, a physical test, and a pulse oximeter test, all of these will indicate how much supplemental oxygen your body needs to function properly.
Oxygen Gas
Oxygen tanks are one of the first forms of oxygen therapy, that were first developed in 1868 and it was used for general anesthesia patients. Oxygen tanks are still commonly used today despite the fact that they are outdated and cumbersome.
Liquid oxygen tanks are similar, and they have been around a long time as well. These devices are also cold, and have to be handled carefully and stored properly.
Traveling by airplane with either of these devices is not possible, and oxygen patients often have a hard time with mobility when they are using gas or liquid oxygen tanks.
Portable Oxygen Concentrators
This leaves the last option, that is the newest form of oxygen delivery method that gives oxygen patients a chance to better themselves physically and mentally, a portable oxygen contractors (POCs). POCs give the oxygen patient more than just oxygen, but the freedom, independence, and confidence that they need to go out and enjoy life to the fullest.
Cost Analysis of Oxygen Equipment
All of these devices also range in prices, and oxygen tanks and liquid oxygen devices are oftentimes covered by medicare and other insurance providers if you qualify. Portable oxygen concentrators on the other hand are not because they are still considered “luxury items”
Even without coverage, portable oxygen concentrators are the cheapest options for respiratory patients who require long term oxygen therapy. It is unfortunate that many oxygen users immediately turn away from the option to buy a portable oxygen concentrator when they see the upfront costs because in the long term the upfront cost is much less that the costs you pay over time with an oxygen tank.
Oxygen tanks require constant refilling, and every time you have to get your tanks refilled they have to be delivered to you which is inconvenient and takes up valuable time and money.
Portable oxygen concentrators never run out of oxygen, instead you charge the batteries every day and the machine extracts air from its surrounding and purifies it into medical grade oxygen. These devices are also on warranty and rated to last for many years, so you do not have to worry about buying a new one.
So rather than paying thousands and thousand of dollars to an oxygen delivery service over the course of a year, you can pay a finite amount up front for a portable oxygen concentrator that won’t consistently be costing you money.
There are also options for people who do want a portable oxygen concentrator but do not want to spend a lot of money up front. With LPT Medical, an oxygen equipment company based in Denver, Colorado with one other location in Boca Raton, Florida, you can finance your oxygen device, and pay in increments rather than spending a large sum upfront.
To see if you qualify for a payment plan with LPT Medical, you can call, 1(800)-946-1201.
Affording a Portable Oxygen Concentrator
There are a lot of different types of POCs, and there are two types of device that you can get, a pulse flow POC and a continuous flow POC. Whether you buy a pulse flow or a continuous flow device will all depend on your oxygen prescription. Once our respiratory specialists in Boca, Raton Florida determine which type of POC will work for you, you will have likely 2-4 options for a POC that would suit your oxygen needs.
Of course how much the device costs will weigh into your decision, however this should not be the only criteria you are looking at when you are shopping for a portable oxygen concentrator. You should also be looking at the weight, the size, the battery life, and other factors like its compressor, the reliability, and maintenance requirements.
There are a lot of resources for you when looking into a portable oxygen concentrator that you can use to compare and contrast different devices.
For now we will focus on how to afford a portable oxygen concentrator and the step you can take to start saving for a portable oxygen concentrator.
How to Save Money
- Cut down on groceries
This is a great opportunity to start cutting out foods that are not good for you, and buying foods that are COPD friendly. You can also save money, energy, and time online grocery shopping and using pickup or delivery services. Ordering your groceries online helps you get rid of the temptation of seeing any guilty pleasure items and throwing it in your cart and you’re forced to stick to your list and avoid impulse splurges.
- Cancel subscriptions and memberships
Subscriptions such as Netflix, Hulu, any magazines, gym memberships, and Amazon Prime are all examples of automatic payments coming out of your account every month and if you are not utilizing these memberships canceling them can save you a lot of money. If you have a subscription that you do want to keep, you can look into options for sharing memberships with some family or friends making the membership cheaper!
- Buy generic brands
Most of the time, the name brand products are no more than a pretty box and nicer marketing, but the product is exactly the same. Buying generic brands of medicine and vitamins, food items, cleaning products and paper products will cost you far less than brand-name.
- Get rid of cable
Cable prices are rising exponentially. The average price for cable today adds up to over $1,200 a year, which is completely unnecessary because streaming services offer live tv channels, news, and other events nowadays.
- Save money automatically
If you want to put away money every month, you can set up your bank account to automatically transfer funds from your checking account into a savings account every month. You can also set up your direct deposit to automatically transfer 10% of each paycheck into your savings account.
- Reduce energy costs
You can save money by reducing your energy consumption and your electric bill. Small things like taking shorter showers, fixing leaky pipes, washing your clothes in cold water, installing dimmer switches and LED light bulbs, and turning off the light frequently can really add up to a lot of savings.
Buying new energy-efficient appliances is a great way to save money on your electric bill, but there are large upfront costs. You can start to budget for a portable oxygen concentrator and energy efficient appliance in your monthly budget, and you can save up and pay cash for those improvements over time.
- Eat out less
Buying lunch a few times a week may seem harmless at the moment and sometimes cooking just doesn't sound enjoyable, but you can save quite a bit of money just by packing a lunch or eating at home! Oftentimes a week’s worth of groceries costs the same as two dinner meals out. You will see your savings go up and up month after month just by eating at home.
- Lower your cell phone bill.
Depending on your cell phone provider, it is possible your monthly cell phone bill is much higher than it needs to be and there is actually a lot of opportunity to save money. You can choose to get rid of add ons like costly data plans, phone insurance and useless warranties.
- Staycation vs. vacation
This past year, everyone has saved money on travel, due to the global pandemic travel has been limited, especially to people with respiratory disease. You can continue to save money by being a tourist in your own city. This is a great opportunity to explore your neighborhood and surrounding towns and cities, it is also a way that you can safely stay busy.
Pulse Flow Portable Oxygen Concentrators
There are multiple pulse flow devices that can fit into most oxygen users requirements who use pulse flow operation. The Inogen One G3, the Inogen One G5, and the Caire Freestyle Comfort are the three best devices on the market, and they are all reasonably priced when you purchase yours from LPT Medical.
Even though it would be rare for one of these devices to be covered by insurance, in the long-run they will cost less than an oxygen tank that has to be consistently refilled!
The Inogen One G3
The Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow device that can output 210-1050 ml/min (milliliters per minute) so this device is great for oxygen patients that require oxygen at a 1-4 setting during the day or night.
Similarly to the Inogen One G4 the Inogen One G3 offers Intelligent Delivery Technology. Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology ensures that your oxygen is delivered within the first 400 milliseconds after your concentrator detects your breath. This almost guarantees that you’re receiving the entire bolus dose of oxygen delivered by your G3 and not wasting any of it.
Portable oxygen concentrators run off of rechargeable batteries, and the One G3 has great battery life. Having a device that can last for up to 6 hours on setting 3 is amazing for oxygen patients who are looking for the freedom and independence to live their lives rather than being held back by their oxygen machine.
To learn more about the One G3, and how much the portable oxygen concentrators costs on a payment plan or total upfront costs please call 1(800)-946-1201
The Inogen One G5
The Inogen One G5 is very similar to the One G3 in that they are both pulse flow devices and offer the oxygen patient Intelligent Delivery Technology. The One G5 is more powerful and can operate at a setting of 5 which is 1260 ml/min (milliliters/minute), and its battery is more powerful, and can last up to 7 hours of a setting 3.
The One G5 is an updated and newer version of the G3! It is also lighter than the One G3 and only weighs 4.7 pound with the single battery installed.
If you are looking for the very best portable oxygen concentrator, the Inogen One G5 check all of the boxes.
The Caire Freestyle Comfort
The Caire Freestyle Comfort is everything you need in an oxygen device. It is lightweight, has powerful pulse flow operation, and has a long-lasting battery.
The Freestyle Comfort offers 210-1050 mil/min setting 1-5, and the battery can last for up to 16 hours!
Because this device only weighs 5 pounds, oxygen patients can bring it with them easily wherever they go.
Comparing Oxygen Device Costs
Oxygen therapy is an essential treatment for hypoxemic patients there is no substitute and its benefits for oxygen patients are proven. Modern technology, portable oxygen concentrators, have improved the therapeutic benefits for oxygen patients and also reduced the cost of this expensive therapy.
LPT Medical is committed to working with trusted manufacturers in order to continue seeking improvements in oxygen delivery that enables access and enhances quality of life.
Portable oxygen concentrators reduce the frequency of delivery services, and home visits, yet the initial costs can still be intimidating to the average buyer. This is why it is important to work with suppliers, such as LPT Medical, who are working with their customers on an individual basis, and finding solutions to financial issues rather than turning people away from the therapeutic benefits portable oxygen therapy offers.
Creating Affordable Options for Oxygen Patients
Seemingly it is increasingly more difficult for people to pay for the medical equipment they need in order to treat conditions like COPD, asthma, and sleep apnea. Although many people depend on oxygen equipment to be able to live fulfilling and satisfying lives, trying to get Medicare and private healthcare companies to see them as a necessity is like pulling teeth.
Oftentimes, healthcare providers refuse to pay their fair share and respiratory patients are left high and dry without many options.
To counteract this, our goal here at LPT Medical is to get an oxygen concentrator in the hands of anyone and everyone who wants one. We’re proud to offer the lowest prices on portable oxygen concentrators you can find online. We also have very reasonable financing options so that you can make monthly payments which may be more manageable for you and your lifestyle. We have a wide price range of new products for sale, but we always have second hand machines for you to consider that are even less expensive.
As a respiratory patient, it is important you take your treatments very seriously, and oftentimes treatment costs money. You can follow some of the ideas in this blog for saving money, there are some great ways that you can cut back and start saving money for your treatment. This will only improve your quality of life and help you to afford the best treatment!
If you decide that it is time to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator, you can call 1(800)-946-1201 or visit our website at LPTMedical.com for information about the POCs mentioned in this blog and others that were not mentioned.
The best way to get connected with a POC that fits your oxygen perception, your budget, and your lifestyle is to talk with a respiratory specialist over the phone. Make sure you have your oxygen prescription handy so that we can best assist you
Many people assume that the longer they live, the less capable they are of improving various aspects of their lives. For example, some people take for granted that you can’t learn a musical instrument as an adult. These people are often told throughout their lives by their parents or friends that if you want to learn something complex, you have to start when you’re younger. It’s also assumed that you’ll stop progressing very early on in your life.
Fortunately, this is not always the case. While studies have shown that children are able to learn more easily due to an undeveloped prefrontal cortex, this does not mean that adults can’t become well-versed in a particular skill. And more importantly, this doesn’t mean that there is no reason for learning something even if you’re faced with the reality that you will never reach your full potential.
Being diagnosed with COPD is similar to the situation discussed above. Many people diagnosed with COPD are immediately hit with a sense of inferiority. They begin to think that they’re no longer capable of things that they previously were. And for some people, this can even lead to a self-defeating attitude that can be very counterproductive when it comes to your health and happiness. In this post, we’re going to take a look at seven different things that you should never stop pursuing, even after being diagnosed with COPD.
Your Relationships
If you’re like most people, your relationships play a key role in your well-being and happiness. Despite how busy your day gets, you probably ensure that you put enough time aside to spend with your family and friends. Studies have shown that, not only do healthy relationships increase our perceived level of happiness, but they also have real clinical effects that can affect us both psychologically and physically. Furthermore, this study states that these relationships may be especially important in treating COPD due to the high levels of anxiety and depression among this demographic.
Family relationships primarily have an effect on the onset and course of depression. In other words, positive interactions with your loved ones may cause depression to develop more slowly and ease some of the burden when you have depression. This study also found that people who are dissatisfied with their marriage are about three times more likely to experience an episode of depression over the course of a year than people who are satisfied with their marriages. Finally, people who experience “perceived criticism” from family members are more likely to experience a release of depressive symptoms.
You’ll be happy to know that this isn’t the only study that confirms these findings. Depression has been studied in many other chronic conditions and relationships consistently rank among the most important determining factors. According to this study of lung cancer patients, people who were married had a greater survival rate than those who were not. It also found that people with the most severe symptoms had smaller social networks and were more likely to experience comorbid conditions like traumatic stress, anxiety, in addition to physical symptoms.
So now that we’ve established that your relationships play an important role in helping you manage COPD, you’re likely wondering how you can actually improve your relationships. Many people believe that they have good relationships already, so there’s no point in worrying about it. However, even if you already have positive relationships, there’s a good chance that you can take steps to improve them.
According to the University of Delaware, the first step in improving relationships with family members is to become a better listener. Rather than being quick to react to what someone is saying, take the time needed to fully understand what they’re saying and focus your attention equally on how they’re feeling as much as what they’re saying. It also helps to eliminate as many distractions as possible such as your cell phone, the TV, or anything else that could take your attention away from the conversation.
Another aspect of building good relationships is to make time for people. In this day and age, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to make time for friends and loved ones because there are so many things to schedule around. This is no different for COPD patients because your day is likely full of pulmonary rehab, doctor’s visits, and you might even work a part-time or full-time job.
Your Hobbies and Pastimes
Hobbies and pastimes may not seem like something you should be focusing your attention on. But the truth is, the older you get and the more COPD symptoms progress, the more important your pastimes become. This is because even as your respiratory symptoms progress, you’ll still be able to improve at hobbies like playing music, card games, puzzles, and more. All of which will keep your mind occupied, improve your mood, and help prevent issues like anxiety and depression.
According to the Lung Institute, hiking, reading, and puzzles are three of the best hobbies you can have as a COPD patient. Hiking is one of the best ways to get out and enjoy the great outdoors without doing anything too strenuous. However, there are several important considerations you should make before going on a hike. Extreme weather, either hot or cold, can exacerbate your COPD symptoms. As such, it’s important to check the weather beforehand and make sure it’s comfortable enough for a hike. Read through this post to learn about preventing heat-related COPD symptoms. Another factor you should consider is outdoor air quality. Visit AirNow.gov and type in your ZIP code or city to check the air quality in your area.
Reading is the second hobby that the Lung Institute recommends. Reading is unlike any other hobby in that it allows you to learn about any topic you want without ever leaving the comfort of your living room. Whether you’re into historical books, fantasy, or educational books, there is something out there for everyone. What’s more, reading content is more accessible than it ever has been before. You can read books directly off your phone, computer, or tablet, order them online which is far more affordable than you might expect.
If reading isn’t exactly your thing, there are always puzzles or games. Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to occupy your time and they can even be used as a socializing tool or teambuilding exercise if you want to spend more time with friends and family. If you’d like to expand your vocabulary, crossword puzzles might be something to consider. Or if interested in working with numbers, give Sudoku a try. You can either print them off, find them in magazines, or install an application on your smartphone or tablet.
Your Exercise Routine
According to Everyday Health, moderate exercise makes it easier for COPD patients to breathe by strengthening respiratory muscles and helping the body use oxygen more efficiently. In many ways, however, this can be a vicious circle because many COPD patients find themselves unable to exercise in the first place. This can lead them to outright stop trying to implement an effective exercise routine into their lives.
The solution to this is to speak with your doctor about joining a pulmonary rehabilitation program. During this program, you will not only learn how to exercise correctly with COPD, but you will also learn what causes flare-ups and exacerbations so that you can avoid them in the future. Many COPD patients do not know very much about their condition or even what it is when they’re first diagnosed, so pulmonary rehab is one of the most effective ways to learn about it and address any concerns you may have.
Generally speaking, your exercise routine is something that you can always improve on. Whether you just started pulmonary rehab or you’ve been exercising on your own, it can be extremely beneficial to try new exercises. If you see improvements in your symptoms, you can make gradual adjustments to your exercise routine, however, if not you can try something else. If you’re in need of guidance be sure to consult your doctor.
Your Diet
Many people would argue that your diet is equally important, if not more important than your exercise routine. The food you eat is inextricably linked to your lung, heart, and circulatory health because the nutrients you gain from your food can benefit (or harm) your overall health. While you might believe that you already maintain a healthy diet, when it comes to coping with a chronic condition like COPD, it’s more about maintaining the right diet for your needs. For example, if you’re someone who’s underweight because of your COPD, you will need to consume more calories and more protein to get back up to a healthy weight.
Your Sleep Schedule
Sleep is vital for anyone’s health, but especially so for people with COPD and other chronic respiratory ailments. While COPD doesn’t cause sleep disorders or vise versa, they often occur simultaneously in a condition called COPD-OSA overlap syndrome. People may live their whole lives with this condition without realizing it and it can lead to loss of sleep, chronic daytime fatigue, and even increase your risk for conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack, and stroke.
Aside from getting more sleep, you should take the opportunity to take a sleep test (polysomnography). These tests are done by trained professionals who will monitor your brain activity, breathing rate, and heart rate as you sleep. This information can be used to determine a number of things such as if a sleep disorder is present. It can even help your doctor understand how your COPD is affecting your sleep at night so that you know whether to increase or decrease your oxygen supply while you sleep.
Your Mental Health
While we’ve already mentioned two things you can do to improve your mental health including improving your relationships and spending time with your favorite hobbies, there are many other things you can do as well. Mental health issues look different for everyone. Some people experience regular anxiety or depression whereas others experience it off and on, like with a change of seasons. Others have had anxiety so long that they may not even realize they have it.
One of the best ways to combat mental health issues if you have COPD is to attend cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). This is a type of intervention that’s designed to pinpoint where your negative or unconstructive thoughts are coming from and take steps to change them. CBT is used by people of all ages and with a variety of different mental or physical conditions. It’s becoming increasingly popular among COPD patients because the idea of seeking help for mental health conditions is becoming de-stigmatized.
Your Goals and Aspirations
Last but certainly not least, your goals and aspirations should never stop changing and improving even after you’re diagnosed with COPD. Far too many people believe that being diagnosed with a chronic condition means letting go of your dreams or goals, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. While COPD should be taken seriously, it’s not a doomsday scenario like many people make it out to be. In fact, people who follow a strict treatment plan often see significant improvements to both their symptoms and their life expectancy.
If you want to stick with your short- and long-term goals, it’s always best to write them down. According to Forbes, there are two reasons why this is the case: external storage and encoding. External storage simply means that you will have a physical reminder of what your goals are. You can post sticky notes around your home or around the office to remind yourself to stay on track for what you’re trying to accomplish. The other aspect of this, encoding, refers to your brain's biological ability to remember things better when they’re written down. Studies have shown that note takers are able to retain about 23% more information than those who do not take notes.
COPD is one of the leading lung conditions in the world and it’s even one of the leading morbidities in general. While COPD can lead to debilitating symptoms like a chronic cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath, this condition is unique in that it develops over the course of many years. This means that it’s very possible to live a long and happy life after being diagnosed with COPD.
One of the most important aspects of happiness is being able to always learn and improve at things that are important to you. In this post, we highlighted seven things you should be focusing on. If you can think of anything else, however, be sure to create your own list and make reminders so that you remember you’re never too old to pursue things that are important to you.
If you’re interested in reading more articles about living a rewarding life with COPD, supplemental oxygen therapy, smoking cessation, or holistic health, be sure to bookmark our blog page. And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comment section below or reach out to us by phone or email.
Planning a big trip is never a simple task, but it can be especially difficult if you use supplemental oxygen. It can be complicated, stressful, and even feel overwhelming to travel when you have to bring oxygen everywhere you go.
Cruises can be even more daunting than other types of travel, since they are relatively long and remote excursions. They take you far from home and in to foreign places, which requires some extra planning and care.
However, you shouldn't let your oxygen therapy get in the way of enjoying all that a cruise line vacation has to offer. You'll find that, as long as you plan ahead, you can have a perfectly safe and enjoyable cruise even if you're dependent on oxygen.
But unless you are a frequent cruiser, planning a cruise is probably an unfamiliar and intimidating task on its own, even without considering your medical needs. That's why we've created this guide to help you navigate the tricky waters of taking a cruise on oxygen.
The goal of this guide is to give you a thorough overview of everything you need to know and consider if you have to use oxygen on your cruise. We'll explain all the steps you should take both before and during your trip to ensure a safe, fun, and hassle-free vacation.
We'll show you how to plan ahead, avoid common problems, and make sure you have all the oxygen, equipment, and care that you need during your cruise. We'll also show you how to work with your doctor and your cruise line to ensure that all of your personal and healthcare needs are taken care of along the way.
How to Prepare for Your Cruise with Supplemental Oxygen

If you are planning a cruise for yourself or someone else who is dependent on supplemental oxygen, it's important to pay extra attention to the details. You not only have to plan the basics, but you also have to figure out how to procure, transport, and store all of your oxygen supplies along the way.
You also have to consider the cruise line's policies and processes for handling medical equipment and serious medical conditions. You'll need to work with your doctor, your cruise line, and likely even your insurance provider to make sure all your medical needs are fully covered on your cruise.
It might seem like a lot to think about, but it's important to cover all of these bases if you want a safe and successful cruise. Skipping any of these steps could cause major problems, such as difficulty boarding the ship or, even worse, put your health in danger while you're out on the open seas.
On the other hand, planning well ahead of time will help you avoid unnecessary hassle and give you peace of mind. By working out all the details ahead of time, you'll feel more secure about your trip and your access to oxygen during your cruise.
Here is a list of some major factors to consider as you prepare to take a cruise on oxygen:
- What kind of oxygen sources you will bring (tanks, portable oxygen concentrator, etc.)
- How much oxygen you should bring, including extra for emergencies and delays
- Cruise line policies and requirements for oxygen and other prescription medications
- How to transport your oxygen supplies onto the cruise ship
- How to ensure you won't run out of prescription or non-prescription medications on your trip
- Cruise line amenities and accommodations for people with special needs and medical conditions
- Respiratory hazards and other adverse conditions you may encounter on your cruise
In the rest of this guide we're going to discuss how to handle each of these issues and much more in greater detail. We will explain everything you need to know to plan a successful cruise on oxygen and how to avoid unexpected roadblocks along the way.
This guide offers plenty of useful tips you can use to prepare for your cruise and make on-board oxygen therapy as hassle-free as possible. That way, you can have a wonderful, relaxing, and memorable vacation while taking the best possible care of your health.
Check Your Cruise Line's Policies and Accommodations

If you use oxygen, one of the things you must do before booking your cruise is check the cruise line's policies on oxygen therapy and other medical concerns. If you don't, and you show up without the right equipment, information, or forms, then you could get turned away from the ship.
To save yourself the heartache of missing your trip, get as much information as you can about the cruise line's rules and accommodations early on in your planning process. That means looking up their policies on medical equipment, prescription medications, and special medical needs.
Don't Forget to Give Advance Notice & Submit Required Forms

All cruise lines require you to notify them ahead of time if you use oxygen or have a serious medical condition. Some even limit you to certain types of oxygen equipment or limit the number of tanks you can bring.
At the very least, your cruise line will ask you to give them some basic information about your medical condition and the equipment you plan to bring. Many cruise lines have a special form for this, which you will need to fill out and submit a few weeks before your trip.
Your cruise line will likely need know much oxygen you're bringing and the dimensions of each oxygen tank. Some might even ask for paperwork from your doctor detailing your prescription medications and special medical needs.
As an example, here is a link to the medical “special services” form that you have to fill out for Disney Cruise Line.
You will also need to know the cruise line's rules for bringing oxygen on your person when you first come on board. For example, Disney Cruise Line allows you to bring two oxygen cylinders with you to your room, but all others must be delivered to the ship by a third-party supplier.
Most of the time, you can find general information about your cruise line's policies from their website. However, you should also contact the cruise line directly to verify the information and make sure you don't miss any necessary steps or forms.
Communicating with your cruise directly is the best way to ensure that your trip goes smoothly and the crew is prepared to accommodate your needs. It is important to give them information that is as accurate and complete as possible to avoid unnecessary hassle and potentially serious problems.
Here are some things you might want to ask your cruise line when you call:
- Am I allowed to bring liquid or compressed gas tanks on board if I need them for oxygen therapy?
- Are there any restrictions on the type of oxygen tanks (e.g. liquid or compressed-gas), size of oxygen tanks, or number of tanks I can bring?
- What forms do I need to fill out in order to bring my own oxygen supply and equipment on board?
- Do I need to fill out any forms in order to bring my prescription medications on board?
- Do I need to provide any documents from my doctor related to my oxygen therapy, prescription medications, or medical condition?
Cruise Line Medical Services

If you depend on oxygen therapy, then it's important to have access to healthcare during your cruise in case you experience a medical problem or emergency. That's why it's important to look into what kinds of medical services are available on the ship.
All cruise ships have a medical staff on board, but you can ask your cruise line about their specific services if you are concerned. They can answer any questions you have about their medical clinic or pharmacy, and verify that they have the proper equipment and staff to take care of you in an emergency.
You should also check with your medical insurance provider to make sure that you will be covered on the ship and at all your travel destinations. You may need to purchase extra travel or medical insurance to cover any special care you need during your cruise.
Accessibility Accommodations and Amenities
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Photo by ironypoisoning on Flickr. |
Some cruise lines offer accessibility and disability services for guests with special medical needs. This can be helpful if you have limited mobility, as many people who use oxygen do.
You might even have the option of booking an “accessible” room that's designed to accommodate special physical needs. Every cruise line is different, so make sure to ask yours about their accessibility options before you book your room.
For example, Disney Cruise Line offers a range of accommodations, including:
- Rooms with wider doorways for mobility aids
- Shower seats and transfer benches
- Raised toilet seats
- Bathroom grab bars
- Sharps containers
- Threshold ramps
- Adjustable shower heads
- Emergency call buttons
Stocking Up on Oxygen Before Your Cruise

The vast majority of cruise ships do not have on-board oxygen available except in the case of emergencies, which means you will have to bring your own. That's why the the most vital part of planning your cruise is making sure you bring enough oxygen to last the whole trip.
How you should do this depends on how much oxygen you need and what kind of oxygen supply you use. It's important to consider the pros and cons of different options ahead of time, so you can secure your oxygen and arrange delivery in time to make your cruise.
Choosing an Oxygen Supply
Many people who use oxygen use a stationary oxygen concentrator in their home as their primary oxygen supply. However, you will need a more portable oxygen source to take with you when you go on your cruise.
There are two main types of oxygen you can use on a cruise ship:
- Liquid or compressed-gas oxygen tanks
- A portable oxygen concentrator
The easiest way to travel with oxygen, by far, is to use a portable oxygen concentrator. These devices are smaller, lighter, and significantly more convenient than other types of oxygen supplies.

Since it generates concentrated oxygen from normal, ambient air, a portable oxygen concentrator will never run out of oxygen as long as you keep the battery charged. This eliminates the need to stock up on heavy, bulky oxygen tanks.
If you cannot get a portable oxygen concentrator, you will need to make sure you have enough liquid or compressed-gas oxygen tanks to last the duration of your cruise. To do this, you will need to coordinate with your doctor and your oxygen supply company to get the right amount of oxygen delivered.
Oxygen tanks can be difficult during travel, since they take up a lot of space and require careful handling. Depending on the cruise line you use, you might be limited to a certain number of tanks, a certain size of tank, or a particular type of oxygen device.
This is why it's so important to look up your cruise line's policies and contact them before you book your trip. You can't be too careful or too thorough when it comes to planning this part of your cruise.
Making Sure You Have Enough Oxygen: Liquid and Compressed-Gas Oxygen Tanks
Since liquid and compressed-gas oxygen tanks hold a limited amount of oxygen, you have to be very careful to make sure you bring enough. Once you know exactly how long your cruise will be, talk to your doctor to figure out exactly how much oxygen you will need to make it through the trip.
It's worth taking the time to double-check your plans and verify your arrangements with the oxygen supplier a few days before your cruise. Don't be afraid to go over your oxygen supply estimate with your doctor more than once to catch any oversights or mistakes.
Additionally, you should make sure you have more than the minimum amount of oxygen you think you will need. You should bring enough extra oxygen to last at least a day or two beyond the expected length of the cruise.
This will ensure you can continue your oxygen therapy uninterrupted even in the case of an unexpected emergency or delay. It may also help you feel more secure to know you don't have to worry about pushing the limits of your oxygen supply.
However, if you use a portable oxygen concentrator, then you don't need to worry about running out of oxygen at all. The only thing you need to worry about is bringing enough battery power to keep your portable concentrator running the whole time.
Getting Your Oxygen Tanks on the Ship

Because they are heavy and difficult to move, you will probably need arrange special transportation to get your liquid or compressed-gas oxygen tanks onto the cruise ship. You might be able to do this through your usual oxygen supply company, but you might need to find a different supplier that can deliver directly to the ship.
Your oxygen supplier will also need to pick up the empty oxygen tanks once you get back from the cruise. Make sure to ask them about any delivery or pick-up fees they charge and make sure they can guarantee on-time delivery and pick-up from the ship.
If you can transport the oxygen supply on your own, the cruise line might allow you to bring them to the ship yourself. However, some cruise lines will only accept oxygen tanks delivered by a third-party supplier, so be sure to verify their rules ahead of time.
You should also talk to your cruise line about how you are supposed to retrieve your oxygen tanks once aboard. For instance, you might need to call a specific number to have a crew member deliver a new oxygen tank to your room.
Making Sure You Have Enough Oxygen: Portable Oxygen Concentrators

Portable oxygen concentrators are convenient for just about any use, but traveling is where their benefits get a chance to really shine. First of all, they never run out of oxygen. Second, they are much smaller and much easier to transport than unwieldy oxygen tanks.
Taking a portable oxygen concentrator on your cruise saves you the hassle of having to stock an entire trip's-worth of oxygen tanks on the ship. That means no need to coordinate with an oxygen supply company, no need to arrange a large delivery of oxygen, and no worries about not bringing enough.
Instead, you just have to bring your portable oxygen concentrator, charger, a couple extra batteries, and then you're good to go. That way, you can spend more time planning the fun parts of your cruise and less time worrying about how to procure enough oxygen to last the entire trip
Don't Forget to Bring Your Charger and Extra Batteries
When you use a portable oxygen concentrator, you never have to worry about your oxygen supply as long as you keep the batteries charged. At a minimum, you should bring two sets of batteries to ensure you always have power when you need it.
You should also bring a separate, external battery charger to place the batteries in when they are not in use. This will allow you to use one set of batteries in your portable oxygen concentrator while the other set of batteries charge up.
Especially if you use oxygen 24/7, it's important to be diligent about switching out the batteries and remembering to keep one set charging at all times. If your concentrator uses up battery more quickly than your charger can charge the second set, then you may need to bring more than two.
To help you determine how much battery power you will need, you can refer to your portable oxygen concentrator's manual. It will tell you how long the battery will last on each flow rate the concentrator offers, which you can use to determine how often you'll need to switch the battery out.
If you do end up running out of battery, you can always continue to use your portable oxygen concentrator by plugging it directly into an outlet. While this limits your ability to move around, it's a safe back-up option to use while you wait for your extra batteries to charge.
Ideally, you should bring enough battery power to keep your portable oxygen concentrator going 24/7 while allowing them enough time to charge between rotations. To compare the battery life and other features on some of the top portable oxygen concentrators, you can take a quick look at this guide.
Don't Forget ALL Your Oxygen Delivery Equipment
In all the fuss over planning and packing for your trip, don't forget to bring all the oxygen supplies and accessories that you normally use. That includes your nasal cannula or oxygen mask, extension tubing, and any other accessories like your humidifier bottle or equipment cleaning supplies.
Since you'll be cut off from the rest of the world for potentially days at a time on your cruise, you may even want to bring some extra supplies. For instance, even if your nasal cannula will last the whole trip, bring an extra one along just in case.
When you're in a new, strange place like on a cruise ship, your things are more likely to get lost, damaged, or misplaced. Even if you are usually very good at keeping track of your things, you might find it more difficult when your routine and environment change.
That's why it's best to be over-cautious and bring along some extra oxygen supplies. You should always hope for the best, but you should also plan for the worst when your lungs and your health are at stake.
Here is a list of supplies you might want to include in your cruise packing list:
- Nasal cannula or oxygen mask (plus one extra)
- Extension tubing (plus one extra)
- Humidifier bottle
- Tubing clips
- Tubing tape or soft covers
- Swivel connectors
- Sanitizing wipes
- Sanitizing solution
- Your CPAP/BiPAP machine and related equipment (bring a travel sized machine for extra convenience)
- Any other prescription or over-the-counter medications you need
Don't Forget Your Medications

While most cruise lines have an on-board pharmacy, they usually only stock a small selection of medications. If you take any prescription or over-the-counter medicine, you should bring it with you to your cruise.
First of all, make sure you will have enough medication to last the entire length of your trip. If you are due for a refill before the end of the cruise, talk to your doctor about getting enough extra medication to last until you return.
Remember to check your cruise line's policies on prescription medications to make sure that you bring any necessary documents or forms. Even if the cruise line doesn't require it, it's a good idea to have your doctor print out a complete list of your medications, dosages, and treatment regimen to keep with you during your trip.
Protect Your Lungs from Environmental Conditions on Your Cruise

Along with all the logistics of bringing your oxygen, equipment, and medication on board, it's a good idea to look in to the specific conditions you will encounter on your cruise. Whether in your cabin, in the main ship, or at port destinations, it's important to make sure you can keep yourself and your lungs as safe and comfortable as possible.
Prepare for Irritants on the Ship

If you are sensitive to dust, allergens, or other respiratory irritants, check with your cruise line to make sure the environment in your cabin won't irritate your lungs. Make sure you book a non-smoking room and ask to be placed as far away from smoking areas as possible.
Fortunately, most cruise ships take cleanliness very seriously and follow strict sanitation guidelines set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The CDC even has a vessel sanitation program that performs regular cruise ship inspections and publishes their results for the public to read online.
However, if your lungs are very sensitive to mild irritants, you may be able to request special bedding or other accommodations. Some cruises even offer special hypo-allergenic rooms if you're willing to pay the extra cost.
If you're bothered by mild fragrances and fumes, don't forget to pack your own fragrance-free shower and personal care products to bring with you on board. If you have a quick-relief medication prescribed by your doctor, always keep it close by during the cruise.
Once again, you can always discuss any concerns you have with your cruise line. They can more thoroughly explain their cleaning practices, room options, and help you make special arrangements if they are
Similarly to a love match made in heaven, your oxygen therapy device should meet the same set of standard and be created to last a lifetime!
Your oxygen device, like a loved one, should make life better and more enjoyable. They should both possess qualities that bring out the best in yourself! Each should be reliable at all times of the day and night, and in times of hardship. In this article we will talk about our Inogen brand portable oxygen concentrators and how the right POC will make a perfect match for you and your lifestyle
If your oxygen device is not meeting your standards, you should consider a new journey with a new device that will open up new and exciting possibilities, give you freedom, and most importantly the reliability to breath everyday all day no matter what.
Finding the right oxygen device for you may seem like a daunting and overwhelming task, after all, there are so many brands, different machinery, massive lists of pros and cons, how do you know your oxygen device will meet your requirements?
Well in this article we are focusing on one brand, Inogen, and we will look at three different portable oxygen concentrators. Inogen is a company at the very top of the oxygen industry. They started off with one of the first FAA-approved portable oxygen concentrators and since then they have never looked back.
Meet the 3 eligible Inogen portable oxygen concentrators
Inogen Review
One thing that you should know is that even though you need oxygen therapy you actually do not have to sacrifice your personal freedom to hang out with your friends or visit with family due to the restrictive nature of your medical oxygen tanks.
There are cheaper and more efficient alternatives: Portable oxygen concentrators in general, and more specifically, the Inogen brand portable oxygen concentrators offer oxygen users a reliable and comfortable oxygen experience that makes life easier and more enjoyable.
The Inogen One G5
Ditch that cumbersome oxygen tank, and simultaneously regain your personal freedom with the brand new Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator.
Instead of worrying about refilling your oxygen tanks, the Inogen One G5 restores your mobility thanks to its portable delivery of pulse flow settings of 1-6, which is powered by a rechargeable lithium-ion battery. This battery can last up to 13 hours, depending on your pulse dose prescription. You will be able to stay out longer without having to charge your device.
The One G5 portable oxygen concentrator is lighter and offers a longer battery life than the One G3.
Like we mentioned earlier, you should be able to rely on your oxygen device any time during the day or night, and with the One G5, you will be able to enjoy these same oxygen delivery benefits at night while you sleep thanks to the presence of Inogen’s intelligent Sleep Mode Technology.
Essentially what this means is that as your breathing rate becomes more shallow as you sleep, the Sleep Mode Technology will go to work by increasing each bolus dose of oxygen.
Even if you are a mouth breather, the Sleep Mode Technology is able to detect shallow mouth breaths that are frequent when sleeping. This will then tell the Inogen One G5 to trigger a bolus dose based upon your specific fixed minute volume.
Now, most of our customers are able to use this technology to sleep with the Inogen One G5, however, we highly recommend you first speak with your doctor before using this while sleeping.
The One G5 will most likely satisfy any oxygen patient's needs who requires a pulse dose oxygen device because the Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator offers pulse flow settings of 1-6! This means that even if you only require a pulse dose setting of 2-3, in the case of an emergency like a flare up, your doctor may recommend that you increase the oxygen flow in order to calm the systems you are experiencing during a flare. In this case, the One G5 is powerful enough to meet you required pulse dose settings should you need to increase it.
Learning about your oxygen device is hugely important if you want to reap all of the benefits that comes with it. Educating yourself about all of your medical devices should be one of your top priorities to ensure you are able to manage and treat your disease effectively. In an effort to help our patients with all aspects of their pulmonary wellness regimen, we’re now offering a FREE Thrive eLearning Course with the purchase of your Inogen One G5 portable oxygen concentrator.
This pulmonary wellness guide teaches you about more than just your great portable oxygen concentrator. It shows you how to make other lifestyle changes involving your diet, exercise routine, and more.
Thrive is an accessible, all-in-one online training course that aims to provide you with simple, practical, and actionable tips for managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). With this program, you’ll also have access to one-on-one counseling with certified pulmonary experts, support group opportunities, online learning courses, and much more! Below is a full list of what
you’ll receive:
- Direct access to a private support group (patients, caretakers, and experts)
- Years of COPD and respiratory illness knowledge
- Step-by-step disease management regimen
- Best selling e-books and guides
- Step-by-step breathing exercises
- Learn about exacerbations and how to prevent them
- Speak with a nutritionist about refining and improving your diet
COPD symptoms can only be managed with impeccable lifestyle choices. This ePulmonary Advanced Online Workshop will help you get back on track and locate any anomalies in your COPD treatment plan. The Inogen One G5 will provide you with the oxygen and freedom that you need to live life on your own terms, but this training program will make you unstoppable!
This Thrive ePulmonary Online Training Program is a $497 value, but we’re offering it for FREE! Order your Inogen One G5 today and experience the freedom you want and deserve!
So let's recap the One G5:
The advantages of the Inogen One G5:
- Weighs Less Than the Inogen One G3
- Improved Battery Life Compared to the G3 for Extended Mobility
- Enjoy Interruption Free Oxygen Therapy
- Sleep Mode Technology for a Delivery of Oxygen Therapy While You Sleep
- Reliable in the case of an emergency
Inogen One G3
The Inogen One G3 offers incredible battery life in combination with a compact and lightweight design. So even though this model is earlier than the One G4 and G5, it is still one of the most popular portable oxygen concentrators on the market for over two years
The One G3 weighs 4.8 pounds and offers up to 8 hours of battery life. So the G3 is easy to carry wherever you go all day long.
Whether you’re going on vacation, heading to the doctor, exercising, or lounging around your house you will be able to comfortably carry your Inogen One G3 with you. And if your lifestyle calls for longer battery life, even with the 16-Cell battery, the G3 still weighs less than 6 pounds!
One of the other major reasons why the Inogen One G3 is one of the most popular units on the market is the fact that it is one of the most durable and reliable concentrators available. This is an essential quality that you should look for in a portable oxygen concentrator A lot of respiratory diseases are progressive in nature. So if you require a setting of 2 or 3, the Inogen One G3 provides you with some wiggle room for an increase in your flow rate past these settings. So if your disease progresses and you prescribed flow rate increases you won’t have to worry about getting a new oxygen concentrator.
The Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow portable oxygen concentrator. It does not have the ability to provide a continuous flow. It offers pulse flow settings 1-5 and can accommodate nearly any oxygen patient who can use a pulse flow.
Despite the fact that the Inogen One G3 is a pulse flow portable oxygen concentrator, the majority of oxygen patients can still use this machine for nighttime oxygen delivery! Just like the Inogen One G2, the G3 is equipped with Intelligent Delivery Technology.
Inogen’s Intelligent Delivery Technology ensures that your oxygen is delivered within the first 400 milliseconds after your concentrator detects your breath. This almost guarantees that you’re receiving the entire bolus dose of oxygen delivered by your G3.
Along with delivering oxygen within the first 400 milliseconds, the Intelligent Delivery Technology responds to your breath rate! This feature is what allows you to use your Inogen One G3 while you sleep even though it doesn’t offer a continuous flow.
When you are sleeping your breathing rate decreases. As the Intelligent Delivery Technology monitors your breath rate, it will automatically increase or decrease the amount of oxygen per bolus dose depending on the oxygen setting and your breath rate.
For example, if you are breathing at a rate of 10 breaths per minute the Inogen One G3 will double the amount of oxygen per bolus dose than if you were breathing at 20 breaths per minute. This is to ensure you are getting your required oxygen.
One of the big reasons pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators aren’t recommended to use at night while you sleep is that they don’t detect mouth breaths. The Inogen One G3, on the other hand, will be able to detect shallow mouth breaths! So as long as you don’t need a CPAP or BiPAP machine at night, the Inogen One G3 should work for your nighttime oxygen delivery system.
Using the Inogen One G3 is simple and straightforward. The control panel is equipped with an easy to read LCD screen and large push buttons.
The LCD screen shows you vital information like the flow rate you have the machine set to and your remaining battery life. If you are having a hard time reading the screen you have the option of turning the LCD screen backlight on or off.
There are a total of 5 buttons and each push button is labeled with its specific function:
1. Power Button (standard power symbol)
2. Display Backlight Button (lightbulb)
3. Audible Alarm Button (bell)
4. Flow Rate Up Button (plus sign)
5. Flow Rate Down Button (minus sign)
One of the most important features you should look for in a portable oxygen concentrator is the battery life. And it’s easy to understand why… More battery life equals more freedom and independence.
With the Inogen One G3, you have 2 different battery options to choose from:
8-Cell Battery
16-Cell Battery
The 8-Cell battery keeps your Inogen One G3 at 4.8 pounds and supplies you with up to 4 hours of battery life. It’s perfect for quick errands, doing things around your house, gardening, or exercising.
The 16-Cell battery adds about a pound of weight to your Inogen One G3, but it supplies you with double the battery life. When you think about it, adding an extra pound of weight to get up to 4.5 additional hours of battery life is a pretty good deal!
The 16-Cell battery is ideal for things like traveling, long trips away from your house, and using as a backup power source in case of a power outage.
The Inogen One G4
Weighing in at 2.8 pounds… Yes, you read that right! At 2.8 the Inogen One G4 is the smallest and lightest portable oxygen concentrator to offer pulse flow settings 1-3 and its battery life is surprising for how small this machine is.
The Inogen One G4 offers 2 different battery options:
Single Battery
Double Battery
With the single battery, you can get up to 2.25 hours of use on a single charge on a setting of 2 and your Inogen One G4 will weigh just 2.8 pounds. This setup is perfect for making trips to the doctor’s office, running to the store, doing things around your house, and exercising.
The double battery, on the other hand, gets up to 4.5 hours of use on a single charge. Despite doubling your battery life your Inogen One G4 will weigh a mere 3.3 pounds with the double battery installed. This setup will give you the freedom and independence to travel, go to sporting events, or get dinner and see a movie.
Being less restrictive with its oxygen settings and by giving you up to 5 hours of battery life, the Inogen One G4 set the bar high for competitors to follow.
Recharging your Inogen One G4 batteries is fast and convenient. You have a total of three different charging options to choose from:
AC Power Supply
DC Power Supply
External Battery Charger
The AC power supply is the most common charging option. It charges your batteries faster than the DC power supply and you can use your Inogen One G4 on all 3 oxygen settings while you recharge. The AC power supply is equipped with a 110v power cord allowing you to plug it into any wall outlet. You can use it at home, in your hotel room, on a cruise ship and even some of the newer airplanes have 110v outlets at every seat.
While your Inogen One G4 is plugged into the AC power supply you will have an unlimited amount of oxygen. So, make sure you plug your G4 into the AC power supply if you plan on using it to sleep.
The DC power supply gives you the ability to power your concentrator and recharge your batteries on the go! It is equipped with a 12v power cord so you can plug it into the cigarette lighter or 12v outlet in your vehicle. You can take it in your car, truck, RV, or on your boat!
While your Inogen One G4 is plugged into the DC power supply it will recharge and supply you with oxygen on all 3 settings. However, if you are using your G4 while it is plugged into the DC power supply it will take longer to recharge. Remember to turn your vehicle on before plugging your G4 into the DC power supply otherwise, you might blow a fuse or drain your vehicle’s battery.
Although the external battery charger is an optional accessory, it is the most convenient charging option available for your Inogen One G4. It’s a single bay charger that gives you the ability to recharge your extra batteries without plugging your concentrator into a power supply.
This means you can run errands, exercise, or go visit your friends and come home to a fully charged battery waiting for you!
Because of its small size, the Inogen One G4 is perfect for any occasion. Its compressor is rated to last 20,000 hours so you can have peace of mind using it every day. It’s small enough to carry virtually anywhere without feeling like your arm is going to fall off. And traveling with oxygen has never been easier than it is with the G4.
Inogen Price
Inogen portable oxygen concentrators range in prices, and when you purchase your inogen system from LPTMedical.com you are getting the best possible price. Inogen cost comparisons can be broken down in detail by our experienced respiratory specialists by calling 1(800)-946-1201 or by emailing info@lptmedical.com
It seems like no matter where we go these days or what we’re doing, we’re always using technology. While several decades ago, it may have been possible to avoid using a cell phone or the internet, this becomes increasingly difficult as nearly everything around us is moving digital. According to the Pew Research Center, 95% of adults between the ages of 50 and 64 own a cell phone, and 79% of people in the same age group own smartphones. These numbers are only expected to increase over the years.
Although the pros and cons of smartphone use are hotly debated, it’s fair to say that they’ve afforded us easier access to information than ever before. And if you’re someone with a respiratory illness like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you know that technology enables you to stay connected more easily with friends and loved ones, and research information about managing and treating your disease. What’s more, most of these resources are free and easy to use.
If you’re a COPD patient who’s interested in technology that allows you to interact with your disease in unique and beneficial ways, stick around. We’re going to be taking a look at some of the best mobile applications you can have on your smartphone. In the meantime, if you’re in the market for a portable oxygen concentrator, feel free to reach out to our respiratory specialists in Denver, Colorado. LPT Medical offers the lowest prices on the latest portable oxygen concentrators including the Caire FreeStyle Comfort, Inogen One G5, and the Respironics SimplyGo.
AirNow Mobile Application (Android and Apple)
If you’ve read any of our blog posts here at LPT Medical, you know how important air quality is to us. While cigarette smoking is still the primary cause of COPD, exposure to outdoor air pollution, and indoor irritants is still a significant risk factor for contracting COPD. this is why it’s of the utmost importance to be conscious about the air we breathe and take steps to plan our life around these issues. While there will always be poor air quality due to wildfires and carbon emissions, we can take steps to live healthier lives.
If you read our post about wildfires, you know that we discussed a very important component of air quality: the air quality index (AQI). This is a broad term used to describe the overall quality of air outdoors. It’s an aggregate score of five major types of pollutants including carbon monoxide, particle pollution (PM2.5 and PM10), ground-level ozone, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide. The AQI scale runs from 0 being perfect air quality and 500 being the absolute worst. Generally speaking, COPD patients should not be outside if the AQI is over 100, but this will depend on the severity of your symptoms.
Rather than having to go to the AirNow website to check the AQI in your area, the AirNow Mobile application allows you to do it anywhere in the world from the convenience of your smartphone or tablet. You can save a variety of different locations to easily check the AQI all over the country and you can even view the AQI forecast in your area to make it easy to plan your week. Since all of the information is pulled straight from AirNow.gov, you can rest assured that it’s up-to-date and factual.
Breathe2Relax (Android and Apple)
Most people give very little or no thought to the way they breathe — but they should! The way we breathe is directly linked to many of the body’s functions including, sleep, digestion, and cognitive function. Simply by becoming more self-aware of our breathing habits and implementing techniques like deep breathing and diaphragmatic breathing, we can begin to reverse the negative effects of shallow, ineffective breathing. This is imperative for COPD patients who have significantly reduced lung function compared to the general population.
Another problem with ineffective breathing is that it can cause anxiety. The Breathe2Relax app was created specifically to target this type of breathing and correct it so that you can feel more at peace and relaxed in your day-to-day life. One of the techniques it focuses on is diaphragmatic breathing which teaches you how to breathe using the diaphragm muscles below the lungs rather than using the chest muscles to breathe. Many people find it difficult to learn this technique from simply reading about it, so this app is more interactive to ensure you do the exercises correctly. Another great feature of this app is that it can connect with your Apple Watch to measure your heart rate and provide you even more detailed information about your health.
If you’d like to learn more about breathing exercises for COPD, we’ve created a great comprehensive guide. In this post, we take a look at 6 key breathing exercises that all COPD patients should know about including:
- The stop, rest and continue technique
- Pursed lips breathing
- Coordinated breathing
- Deep breathing
- Diaphragmatic breathing
And a relaxed posture
NCI QuitGuide (Android and Apple)
According to the American Lung Association, 85 to 90 percent of COPD patients contract their disease through cigarette smoking. While not all people continue smoking after being diagnosed with COPD, you may be surprised to find that around 38% do. Unfortunately, many people believe that the damage has already been done, and continuing to smoke will not affect them, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Any amount of smoking, whether it’s one cigarette a week or a pack a day will contribute to lung inflammation, and thus, increase the rate at which COPD progresses.
Another problem with smoking as a COPD patient is that it significantly increases your risk of experiencing a flare-up or exacerbation. In short, an exacerbation is a sudden increase in respiratory symptoms such as breathlessness, chest pain, coughing, or wheezing. Acute exacerbations can be severe and even lead to hospitalization if they aren’t dealt with swiftly and efficiently. Smoking also impairs your immune system’s responsiveness making you more likely to contract a lung infection. Infections are also the most common cause of COPD exacerbations. For a more detailed look at the importance of smoking cessation, please visit our article titled: 15 Important Things That Happen When You Quit Smoking.
While there are many “quit smoking” apps out there, we chose NCI QuitGuide because it was created by the National Cancer Institute. This is one of 11 government organizations that makes up the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in the United States. NCI QuitGuide is not necessarily designed to be an all-in-one smoking cessation tool, but it can be used in tandem with other methods like nicotine replacement therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Be sure to consult with your doctor to determine which method is best for you.
QuitGuide is a simple mobile application that allows you to track cigarette cravings, mood, and your reasons for quitting. It also displays information about your smoking cessation including the amount of money you’ve saved, days smoke-free, and provides you with milestones to reach. This app is perfect for anyone who wants to see the tangible effects of smoking cessation. The best part of all is that it’s free. There’s no need to worry about paying an upfront fee or paying a subscription of any kind.
The COPD Pocket Consultant Guide (Android and Apple)
We’ve referenced the COPD Foundation many times and you’re likely familiar with COPD360social, a free social networking site for people with COPD. However, you may be less familiar with their mobile application, the COPD Pocket Consultant Guide. This app has tools for healthcare providers, caretakers, and patients, so it’s important that you select the option that applies to you when you first open it. Once you have it set up, however, you’ll find that you have a variety of resources at your disposal.
The “For My Next Visit” section is designed to help you prepare for your next doctor’s visit. This is a simple tool that displays a bunch of “questions” and “symptoms.” You can then go through and select the questions you’d like to ask your doctor upon your next visit, along with any symptoms that have changed since your last one. You can then either save your results or print them out to show your doctor.
The “Wallet Card” section is designed to work like a digital version of your medical information card. Through this tool, you can save important information about your oxygen concentrator flow setting, CPAP or BiPAP settings, and a whole host of other things such as your physician contact information and insurance provider information. The best part about this feature is that it allows you to secure all of this important information using face identification technology. This way, you ensure that only you can view this information.
The third feature of this app is the training video section. Pulmonary rehabilitation, inhaler therapy, and nebulizer therapy are key components of most COPD treatment plans, and these videos will show you exactly how to do these things effectively. Believe it or not, studies show that many people do not follow their treatment plan, especially when it comes to using an inhaler. This app provides the easiest solution to this with all the training videos in one area.
The next feature of this app is the “Activity Tracking” section. This section lists out a bunch of daily activities such as cleaning, making the bed, and brushing your teeth, then you get to choose the level of difficulty you have doing these things. Fill out this form once a month and then print it out to see what kind of progress you’re making in your day-to-day life.
An action plan is a series of steps you will take if you encounter a specific problem. The COPD Pocket Consultant Guide divides your symptoms into three different categories: green, meaning you feel good; yellow, meaning you feel worse than normal; and red, meaning you are experiencing serious and disruptive respiratory problems. Go over this section of the app with your doctor so that you’re prepared for days where your symptoms increase.
Last but certainly not least, there is a section titled “more” that has additional resources for you to view. This includes links to COPD360social, the COPD Foundation blog, the COPD Patient-Powered Research Network (COPD PPRN), a COPD Assessment Test (CAT), and a help page if you’re experiencing any issues with the app or you have any questions about managing your disease.
All Respiratory Disease and Treatment (Android)
The last mobile application we’re going to go over is not necessarily specifically designed for COPD patients, but it’s more of an educational resource about all respiratory diseases — chronic and acute — and how they’re treated. This is a useful app if you’re someone who simply enjoys learning about the lungs and how to take care of them. It can also help you put COPD into perspective and clarify any confusion about its similarities and differences when it comes to other lung diseases.
The best advantage of using this app is that you won’t have to waste time scouring the internet for information about COPD and other lung diseases. Simply open up the app and you’ll be able to view a substantial amount of information about COPD like a definition, risk factors, symptoms, causes, home remedies, and much more. It’s also handy to have on-the-go if a question comes to mind while you’re away from your computer at home. The only downside is that this app is only available on Android.
The world is a more connected place than ever before. One of the biggest benefits of this is that we can have easier access to information in the palm of our hands, pretty much wherever we go. If you’re a COPD patient, you need to stay up to date on how to treat your disease, as well as how to use things like inhalers, nebulizers, and oxygen devices. The apps listed above are just a few of the free resources you have available to you if you use a smartphone like an Android or an iPhone.
Looking for more ways to stay connected? Telehealth technology is reshaping the way we view healthcare and it’s becoming increasingly more accessible for COPD patients like you. Check out this blog post where we feature portable oxygen concentrators like the Caire FreeStyle Comfort and the Inogen One G5 and the unique technologies they’re bringing to the oxygen industry. And in the meantime, stay tuned to our blog where we discuss helpful information about COPD and COPD management.