If there’s one thing that we’ve learned from the past couple of months, it’s that self-isolation is never as easy as it seems. While we all acknowledge the importance of maintaining proper social distancing in order to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, we also need to take the time to consider the negative effects of spending so much time alone.
Someone with a very active lifestyle may enjoy the self-quarantine because it gives them time to wind down and collect their thoughts. But for others, such as those with COPD or other chronic conditions, the quarantine can be a nightmare. Rather than being able to get outside and exercise their freedom, these people are being left at home to cope with their disease alone.
The good news is that there are ways to remedy this. With modern technology and some creativity, it is possible to regain some of the privileges we once had without having to venture out into the world. In this post, we’re going to take a look at 7 different COPD-friendly activities to occupy your thoughts until the COVID-19 situation blows over.
The Importance of Staying Busy
Many people looked forward to the quarantine initially, believing it would give them an excuse to stay in their pajamas all-day or get caught up on their favorite show. But reality hit these people hard once they found out that it’s not so easy to make it through the day with a lack of things to occupy their thoughts.
Unfortunately, self-isolation isn’t a new concept by any means; people have suffered from loneliness and social isolation for decades, and it’s taken a significant toll on peoples’ general happiness and well-being. According to a study published in the Oxford Academic Journal, 24 percent of older adults (65+ years) were considered “socially isolated.” Ultimately, this puts people at a higher risk of experiencing loneliness and other related conditions like anxiety and depression.
While hobbies and other day-to-day activities won’t completely eliminate loneliness, they will help to occupy your thoughts in your downtime. You might still have friends, family members, or caretakers who still come to visit you even during quarantine which can help combat some of the loneliness you may experience.
Another reason hobbies are so important is that they take your mind off your disease. If you maintain a sedentary lifestyle for too long, you’ll start to focus more on the negative outcomes of your disease. Eventually, this can lead to a vicious feedback cycle that causes you to over-exaggerate the severity of your condition. Not only could this take a toll on your mental health, but it could cause you to make irrational decisions that you wouldn’t otherwise make.
Last but certainly not least, hobbies help you to grow as a person. No matter your age or health condition, hobbies can provide you with an outlet to express your interests and learn. What’s more, it will give you more to talk about once you’re finally able to start reconnecting with people after the situation with the coronavirus starts to slow down.
Create a List of Priorities
One thing you should do before learning about COPD-friendly activities is to start working on a priority list. For many people, being at home more often can throw off your sense of direction and even cause you to lose sight of priorities that you used to keep.
Many people have trouble maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. If you’re inside more often or you’re not exercising as frequently, your circadian rhythm could be completely thrown out of whack making it increasingly difficult to follow the sleep schedule that you used to.
If you’re concerned about this, try prioritizing hobbies that get you moving and allow you to get a healthy amount of sunlight each day. In turn, you’ll experience less restless nights and you’ll be able to stay focused on things that you’re trying to accomplish. As you read through the following list, take note of things that are important to you and structure your hobbies accordingly.
1.) Reading
Reading is quite possibly one of the most important things you can do while in quarantine. It’s one of the best ways to pass the time, foster creativity, and learn about something new. According to researchers, reading regularly can even increase survival rates among adults and the elderly.
Possibly the greatest benefit of reading a physical book is that it gets people away from their screens. For the past several decades, many people have set aside physical media in favor of more convenient digital options either via their smartphone, computer, tablet, or an e-book device like the Kindle.
But regardless of the popularity of e-books and audiobooks, physical books still remain the most popular choice for most readers. Simply put, people feel more satisfied with reading a real book because it feels more authentic and relaxing, especially when you don’t have to deal with things like computer glitches or malfunctions.
According to a study published by BMC, time spent using digital devices is associated with sleep disturbances and a higher risk factor for mental health conditions. What’s more, people who used mobile devices saw even worse outcomes. In other words, reading a book on your phone or Kindle could be even worse for your health than reading one on the computer.
Fortunately, physical books provide you with all the benefits of reading without the added risks of using a digital device. According to a study done by the University of Sussex, reading can reduce stress levels by up to 68 percent! Considering that stress is estimated to contribute to up to 60 percent of all disease, this is an extremely important factor to consider when starting a new quarantine hobby.
If you’re someone who prefers reading online articles over novels, consider printing them before reading them. This way you can find someplace comfortable to read it and avoid spending too much time on your computer.
2.) Games and Puzzles
If you want something that will keep your mind busy but aren’t much of a reader, puzzles and games are a great option too. According to Cognitive Vitality, crossword puzzles and other activities help to build cognitive reserve. This, in turn, allows someone to maintain normal cognition avoiding common conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
Like reading, puzzles and games can be done without the use of a digital device. Many crossword puzzles and similar games can be found in the back of magazines and you can even find entire books full of different types of games at your local book store or grocery store. This is enough to keep most people entertained for weeks or months on end.
Another great benefit of crossword puzzles is that they can help you maintain your vocabulary. There are crossword puzzles out there for just about any subject you can think. What’s more, studies have shown that the best way to memorize vocabulary is to write it down, especially when it’s written in context like with crossword puzzles.
As a COPD patient, it’s important to keep your mind sharp and reduce anxiety and stress as much as possible. People who take their mental health seriously are able to more easily follow through with their treatment routine including maintaining an exercise routine, healthy diet, and medications.
3.) Practice or Listen to Music
The concept of music as a form of healing therapy has existed for centuries, however, it didn’t become a formal profession until the 1900s. Today, music therapy is used in both formal and informal settings in order to aid in treating mental health, cognitive, emotional, social, and even physical issues. While some people may question the efficacy of music therapy, it’s a type of treatment that has a long history of research backing it up.
Another misconception about music therapy is that you need a professional in order to benefit from it. This couldn’t be farther from the truth as many people use music as a form of self-care to remedy stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental conditions. And the great news is that it’s very easy to get started. All you need is a music program such as iTunes or Spotify and speakers or a pair of earbuds.
Harvard Health sites a number of studies showing the positive effects of music on health. For COPD patients, stress reduction, mood improvement, and increased movement are among the most important. One study they mention tested the stress-reducing effects of music on patients before and after surgery. It concluded that patients who listened to music were less likely to need calming medication than those who didn’t.
Another study from 2011 found that music therapy can aid in preventing falls for people over the age of 65. Falling is a serious problem for seniors because as we age, our motor skills and function diminishes significantly. This problem is amplified in COPD patients who suffer from difficulty breathing and frequent exacerbations. This study concluded that walking and performing other tasks in time with music can limit falls by 54 percent.
The last study that Harvard Health sites has to do with the effects of music on mood. A 2006 study found that adults with chronic pain, such as symptoms from COPD and other lung diseases, experienced a reduction in disability, depression, and pain. Additionally, a 2009 meta-analysis discovered that music can reduce the effects of sleep disorders and promote quality sleep.
The important thing to draw from these studies is that you don’t need to work with a music therapist in order to benefit from the healing effects of music. Simply putting together a playlist of relaxing or uplifting music and listening to it for an hour or two a day can have substantial therapeutic benefits.
If you’re looking to engage more with the music, you can even try picking up a COPD-friendly instrument. Believe it or not, there are a lot of instruments that are great for COPD patients. For example, the harmonica is often recommended by medical professionals because it can help improve your lung capacity. The harmonica differs from other wind instruments like the trumpet, clarinet, or flute because it doesn’t require a great deal of air support. Another benefit is that it doesn’t weigh very much so you can easily carry it around with you wherever you go.
A couple of years ago, we wrote a great article that goes into detail about using music therapy to treat COPD. Feel free to check it out if you’re interested in learning more.
4.) Practice Tai Chi
When you think of “martial arts” you probably think of fighting methods such as judo, karate, or kendo. However, martial arts deals with a lot more than combat; it also has to do with mastering the mind and body. For someone with COPD, martial arts prove especially useful in learning to control breathing, master your motor functions, and gain more control over your thoughts and feelings.
Tai Chi is a martial arts discipline that originated in ancient China. It’s often referred to as “meditation in motion” because it applies some of the same principles as traditional meditation but adds additional components such as basic motor functions, balance, and breathing. Tai Chi is beneficial for all ages, but it’s especially embraced by older generations.
One of the great things about tai chi is that it can be done just about anywhere. If you’re confined to your home, all you need to do is clear some space in the living room or family room. It’s also a good idea to practice Tai Chi on the carpet because hardwood floors and stone floors can be slippery. You can even go outside and practice in your front or back yard, just make sure you’re maintaining good social distancing from your neighbors.
This study published in the Chest Journal examined the efficacy of Tai Chi in treating COPD. It found that, after twelve weeks, Tai Chi can be just as effective as pulmonary rehabilitation at improving muscle strength and reducing COPD symptoms such as breathlessness and fatigue. These particular participants used a form of Tai Chi known as the 24-form Yang, however, other forms of Tai Chi are proven to be effective as well.
You may be wondering, “how can I start Tai Chi?” While it’s normally advised that you join a Tai Chi group where you can learn from a professional trainer what to do, current circumstances do not permit this. Instead, it’s recommended that you use online training videos which will teach you the basics. The United States Tai Chi Community is also a great place to connect with other people and ask any questions that you may have about this martial art.
We wrote a great article about using Tai Chi to improve your COPD symptoms. You can find it here if you’re interested.
5.) Journaling and Scrapbooking
What better way to spend the quarantine than getting caught up on your journaling and scrapbooking? Admittedly, these hobbies aren’t for everyone. Some people like to document everything they do while other people prefer to tell their stories through spoken words rather than written words or pictures. But as the saying goes — you never know until you try it.
One thing about journaling and scrapbooking is that they take a lot of time, so if you’re interested in the idea, there’s really no better time to get involved than right now. They also have a lot of therapeutic effects that many people will find well worth pursuing even people who don’t typically enjoy writing or arts and crafts. According to the University of Rochester Medical Center, journaling is an effective means of reducing stress, coping with depression, and managing anxiety.
Another reason to invest time in journaling and scrapbooking is that it can be a creative outlet. As a COPD patient, it’s easy to get caught up in your daily routine of pulmonary rehabilitation, diet management, and breathing exercises. However, this doesn’t really provide you with a good opportunity to express your creativity and create something that you can be proud of. Journaling and scrapbooking can be very rewarding because there’s no right or wrong way to do them.
Lastly, these two activities give you the opportunity to provide something special for your family’s future generations. For example, if you create a scrapbook, it’s something that you can hand down to your children and they can pass down to their children when they’re old enough. This is the perfect way to create a lasting memory of your life experiences.
6.) Cooking
Cooking is another great way to pass the time while in quarantine. Whether you’ve spent your whole life cooking or you’re a beginner, there’s never been a better time to start. The benefit of cooking your own food is that it’s a great form of moderate exercise that will keep you on your feet and improve your COPD symptoms.
Another benefit of cooking is that you will know exactly what’s in your food. If you buy prepackaged food from the grocery store or eat out often, it’s hard to tell exactly what nutrients you’re putting in your body. Oftentimes, people are too afraid to turn over the packaging and read the long list of ingredients that they’re consuming, so it’s best to just avoid this altogether.
One thing to take note of while you’re cooking is to always put your safety first. Certain foods may produce a lot of fumes or smoke when you cook them and overcooking food can lead to the same results. This could lead to a flare-up in your respiratory symptoms or worse, a COPD exacerbation that could put you in the hospital. Take note of this before you start and recruit the help of a loved one if you don’t feel comfortable.
For more helpful information on cooking with COPD, check out this post.
7.) Become a COPD Advocate
While there are certainly a lot of downsides to technology, one of the greatest benefits is that it enables people to stay connected anywhere they are in the world. While most people are staying inside their homes for the foreseeable future, we don’t have to worry about decades of COPD advocacy going to waste because a lot of this work can continue through the internet.
Now more than ever it’s imperative that COPD patients let people know the importance of COPD research, treatment, and funding. In crucial times like these, politicians and community leaders are working to determine the best place to allocate resources to help the greatest number of people. Since COPD is a leading chronic illness in the United States and COPD patients are at such a high risk of serious COVID-19 symptoms, our voices deserve to be heard.
There are so many ways to get involved like the COPD Foundation, The American Lung Association, and a variety of other COPD organizations. You can even join COPD Facebook groups or start your own blog in order to tell your own story of living and coping with COPD. You can rest assured that if your thoughts are being heard, you’re contributing to the community as a whole.
If you’d like to learn more about becoming a COPD advocate, read our post on staying active in the COPD community while at home.
The coronavirus has taken a serious toll on the country. COPD patients need to take care to follow all safety regulations set forth by the World Health Organization (WHO) and shelter in place as much as possible in order to avoid getting sick. While you’re likely already missing going out and exploring the world or visiting friends, there are plenty of things you can be doing in the meantime to keep yourself occupied and healthy.
Try some of the hobbies above and let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. If you’re in the market for a portable oxygen concentrator like the Inogen One G5, don’t hesitate to fill out the contact form at the side of the page and one of our respiratory specialists will reach out to you to answer any questions you may have.
Living healthily and happily with COPD is all about developing healthy lifestyle habits and learning how to keep your symptoms under control. Because it is a chronic disease with no real cure, the only way to manage it is by keeping up with daily medication and carefully following treatment goals.
That's why all COPD patients should have a personalized COPD action plan to help them keep track of their medications and other treatment goals.
A COPD action plan is a comprehensive set of instruction on how to manage and treat your COPD. It's the most important tool you have for keeping your symptoms under control and preserving the health of your lungs and the rest of your body.
A typical action plan includes all the important parts of your COPD treatment, including your medication schedule, what to do when your symptoms act up, and your diet and exercise regimen. It also helps you remember what to do in an emergency and know when to see your doctor for a problem.
In this post, we're going to help you better understand what a COPD action plan is and how you can use it to better manage your disease. We'll show you what a good action plan looks like, how to make one with your doctor, and how to put your treatment plan into action.
Crafting your COPD Action Plan
Putting together your COPD action plan is an individualized process that you and your doctor will go through together. Every patient's action plan is unique and tailored to fit their personal needs.
A good COPD action plan will give you detailed treatment instructions and clear plan for what to do if your symptoms get worse. It should take your medical history, lifestyle, symptoms, and other life factors into account.
As you and your doctor work on your action plan, it's important to have a clear picture of both your current situation and your future goals. Here are some tips to help you and your doctor better understand your condition and get on the same page.
Track Your Symptoms
Helping you manage your COPD symptoms is the most important purpose of a good COPD action plan. But in order for it to be useful and accurate, you and your doctor need to have as much information as possible about all symptoms you experience and how they fluctuate over time.
The best way to get a better understanding of your symptoms is to record them daily with a journal or a symptom checklist. This will help you remember what symptoms you had and when you had them the next time you talk to your doctor, and to track patterns and changes over time.
You should try to make your notes as detailed as you can so that you and your doctor have as much information to work with as possible. Make sure you write down any and all ailments you experience, even ones that seem small or inconsequential.
The more information you have on your condition and symptoms, the more useful your action plan will be. However, it's worth writing down your symptoms even after you have an action plan in place. It will not only make it easier to notice changes in your condition as the disease progresses, but will also help you adjust your action plan as your symptoms change.
Here are some tips for what you should include in your daily symptom diary:
- Write a list of any and all physical and psychological symptoms you experience every day, especially breathing and respiratory problems. (e.g. breathlessness, fatigue, muscle weakness, coughing, anxiety, depression, etc.)
- Record and notable changes or improvements in your symptoms compared to recent days.
- Record any changes in the frequency or severity of your cough, and note any changes in the color and consistency of any mucus you cough up.
- Keep a detailed record of any breathing issues and when they get better or worse throughout the day. Record what kinds of activities cause you to feel short of breath and your general ease of breathing from day to day.
- Keep track of how much sleep you get (in general) and any sleeping difficulties you have, such as insomnia or waking up frequently during the night.
Write down the general time and situation in which your symptoms occurred. (e.g. all day long, in the morning, after eating lunch, after exercising, after going to bed, etc.)
- Include any special circumstances surrounding your symptoms. (e.g. you were outside in the heat, your allergies were acting up, you forgot to take your daily medication, etc.)
- Keep track of your overall mood and mental state from day to day. (e.g. you felt tired, you felt motivated, you felt anxious, etc.)
- Record any prescription or over the counter medications you took that day and approximately what time you took them.
- Keep track of any exercise or physical activities you do.
- Record any smoking, tobacco, or other drug use (including alcohol).
As you start your COPD symptom diary, it may help to have a complete list of COPD symptoms on hand to help you know what to look out for. You can also use a COPD symptom checklist, like this one here, to help you remember what's important to keep track of.
Think About Your Goals
In general, it is the goal of every COPD patient to breathe easier and reduce other respiratory symptoms. However, these larger goals are difficult to reach without first breaking them down into smaller goals that are easier to act on.
For example, if you smoke cigarettes, one of your goals could be to reduce the amount of cigarettes you smoke or stop smoking altogether. You could break this goal down into even smaller steps, too, such as going to a smoking cessation counselor or joining a quit smoking program.
You should also think about your lifestyle and any areas that you need to improve. For example, you may need to lose weight, eat more fruits and vegetables, or get more exercise to keep your body strong and prevent COPD complications.
Other goals might relate directly to your symptoms and helping you breathe comfortably throughout the day. Things like always taking your medications as directed, pacing yourself during exercise, and utilizing therapeutic breathing techniques can help you reach those goals.
Once you know what you are striving for, you and your doctor can put together a treatment plan that addresses all of these goals. The following list will give you an idea of some of the major treatment goals that you should consider as you craft your COPD action plan.
General COPD Treatment Goals:
- Quitting smoking
- Improving your ability to breathe
- Getting more exercise to strengthen your body and lungs
- Eating a healthier, COPD-friendly diet
- Reducing coughing, wheezing, and other respiratory symptoms
- Reducing the number of COPD flare-ups and exacerbations you have
- Reducing your risk of COPD complications (e.g. heart attacks and osteoporosis)
- Slowing your disease from progressing further
- Working with your doctor and other medical specialists to track your symptoms and achieve your treatment goals
Consult With Your Doctor
Once you've had time to track your symptoms and brainstorm your treatment goals, it's time to sit down with your doctor to put together a comprehensive COPD action plan. Your doctor may have a standard template, like this one, to fill out, or he might put together a custom document for you to take home.
Make sure you bring your symptom diary and any other information about your medical history that your doctor may need. Your doctor will also use lung function tests, including spirometry, to determine your treatment and medication needs.
It's important for your doctor to include you in his process and thoroughly explain every part of your action plan and how to use it. Take the time to look over your treatment plan carefully and don't be afraid to ask questions or ask for clarification.
While your COPD action plan helps your doctor coordinate your medications and treatment goals, your action plan's primary purpose is to be a resource for you. It is very important that you understand your plan in its entirety and how to use it to manage your disease on a daily basis.
Depending on your condition and situation, you may have a team of doctors and specialists working to help you stay healthy. In this case, you will need to coordinate your action plan with all of your caretakers to ensure your plan is as cohesive and comprehensive as possible.
The Three Zones of Your COPD Action Plan
It's important to understand that your COPD action plan is actually split up into three distinct plans of action. From here on out, we will refer to these three plans as the green zone, yellow zone, and red zone action plans, as this is the typical way to organize them.
These three zones make up the core of your COPD action plan and tell you what to do in different situations. They tell you how manage your COPD when your symptoms are normal (green), worse (yellow), and severe (red), and how to know which zone's action plan to use.
This scheme is very useful for helping you recognize when you experience a flare-up or you need to call your doctor or seek emergency medical attention. It also helps you remember how to stay healthy and what to do when your symptoms get worse.
Think of each zone as representing a specific plan of action depending on how you feel on a particular day. It is composed of two main parts: your symptoms and the actions you should take.
The first part is a description of the symptoms and the duration of symptoms that correspond to that particular zone. This is meant to help you recognize when your symptoms fit the requirements for that zone's action plan, so you can always tell when to take the actions for that zone.
The second part is a list of actions you should take whenever you experience the symptoms that correspond to that zone. It may include things like what medication to use, how much exercise you should do, breathing techniques, mental health strategies, and other instructions for keeping yourself healthy.
For example, the green zone would include your normal, baseline symptoms and strategies for managing them on a regular basis. It would also include a list of actions to take on a regular day when your symptoms are at a typical level.
The Yellow zone should include a description of what it looks like when your symptoms flare up, and what to do to manage them and keep them from getting even worse. You would refer to the actions and strategies in this zone when you experience a minor flare up or exacerbation.
The red zone gives you instructions on what you should do when your symptoms get more severe. It will help you recognize at what point you should seek medical attention and what to do in an emergency.
The symptoms and actions that go in each zone will depend on your medical history, lung function, and your personal COPD symptoms. Since it is based on your baseline symptoms, which may be more or less severe, your green zone action plan may differ significantly from other patients, and will change as your disease progresses.
Here is an overview of the different action plan zones and when you should use them:
- Green Zone: “I am doing well today.” Use this plan when your symptoms are at a normal, baseline level, and you feel well enough to continue your usual exercise and activities.
- Yellow Zone: “I am not feeling well today or I am experience a COPD flare-up.” Use this plan when your symptoms are worse than normal, you are having difficulty breathing during your usual activities, or you notice a change in your mucus, your sleep quality, your appetite, or the frequency with which you have to use your quick-relief medications.
- Red Zone: “I need urgent medical care.” Use this plan if your symptoms become very severe, to the point that you feel shortness of breath at rest and are unable to do any physical activity. Breathing difficulties that severely interfere with sleep, fever or shaking chills, feeling confused, coughing up blood, or having chest pains are other signs that you need emergency medical care and need to follow your red zone plan.
To see an example of what an actual COPD action plan looks like, you can check out this sample plan from the American Lung Association.
Daily Treatment Goals and Instructions (Green Zone)
Your daily symptom management and treatment goals—the green zone—is one of the most important aspects of your COPD treatment plan. It contains all the medications and actions you should take on a typical-symptom day to stay healthy and keep your symptoms under control.
When your symptoms are at your usual baseline level, you should follow the actions in this plan. If you keep your COPD well-managed and minimize flare-ups, you should be able to use your green zone plan on most days.
It's a good idea to review this part of your plan regularly, even though you use it often, just to jog your memory and review your goals, medications, and treatments. It will help you stay motivated, keep on track, and remind you of any habits or treatment methods you may have gotten lazy about doing.
Your Plan for Managing Flare-ups and Exacerbations (Yellow Zone)
Generally, any noticeable increase in COPD symptoms should direct you to use your yellow zone action plan, including feeling low on energy, experiencing more difficulty breathing, worsened coughing, or changes in your sleep quality and appetite. You should also look for changes in the color and consistency of your mucus and how frequently you have to use your quick relief medications.
When your symptoms flare-up or your breathing problems get worse, your yellow zone plan will tell you exactly what you need to do to keep your symptoms under control. It should include your usual maintenance medication along with instructions on how to use your quick-relief medications effectively.
Your yellow zone action play will likely include other treatments for reducing your symptoms, such as breathing techniques and mucus clearance techniques, which we will discuss more in the following sections. It may also include stricter guidelines for using supplemental oxygen and protecting your lungs from inflammatory environments and irritants.
Your doctor may instruct you to start taking a course of antibiotics or corticosteroid medications when your symptoms get worse as part of your yellow zone action plan. You may also need to call your doctor if your symptoms don't get better within a day or two.
Your Plan For Emergencies (Red Zone)
The purpose of your red zone action plan is to remind you of what to do in an emergency. You should follow this plan when your symptoms become so severe that you have difficulty breathing at rest.
Extreme shortness of breath, severe fatigue that interferes with daily living, or being unable to do light physical activity is a sign that you need to seek immediate medical attention. Other signs include chest pain, coughing up blood, fever, chills, confusion, and symptoms that are so severe that you are unable to sleep at night.
If you experience any of these symptoms, follow your red zone action plan and call 911, or have someone else drive you to the emergency room as quickly as possible. You may also need to take a medication or adjust your oxygen prescription to help you cope until you get to the hospital.
The Components of a Good COPD Action Plan
A good COPD action plan contains everything you need to know about managing your disease on a daily basis and when your symptoms flare up. It should tell you what medications to take every day, what medications to take when your symptoms get worse, and all the actions and habits you need to do on a regular basis to keep your lungs healthy and your symptoms under control.
Many action plans also include information about your diet, exercise, and lifestyle goals related to your COPD. In these next sections, we'll explain all the different components that your COPD action plan may include as part of your green and/or yellow zone plans.
Your Medications
Your COPD action plan should include all of the prescription and over-the-counter medications that you need to treat your COPD. It should tell you what medication to take when your symptoms are at baseline, what medication to use as-needed (and when to use it), as well as the correct dosage and the frequency that you should take it.
Your maintenance medications help you breathe easier on a daily basis and are the cornerstone of daily COPD treatment. However, you have to take them every single day as directed by your doctor in order for them to be as effective as they can be.
On the other hand, not keeping up with your daily maintenance medications can make your symptoms worse and cause your COPD to progress faster. By keeping your symptoms minimized on a daily basis, your maintenance medicine is very important for staving off flare-ups, exacerbations, heart problems, and other serious COPD complications.
Your doctor may also prescribe quick-relief or rescue medications—in addition to your maintenance medicine—to use as part of your yellow zone action plan on days when you experience worsened COPD symptoms. These medications help reduce sudden, uncontrolled symptoms and help you breathe easier when your symptoms flare up.
Your doctor may also give you a course of steroid medication or antibiotics to use when you notice your symptoms getting out of hand. Most of the time, you will be instructed to take them if your symptoms stay worse for more than a day or two or when you notice the signs of an oncoming exacerbation.
Whenever you start a course of antibiotics, it's very important that you continue to take the entire course, even after you start to feel better. As long as you use them correctly and as directed by your doctor, antibiotics and steroid medications can help you avoid serious exacerbations and recover from flare-ups more quickly.
Your COPD action plan should also include information about any vaccines you need, including pneumonia and influenza vaccines. Most adults need another dose of the pneumonia vaccine after the age of 65, and all COPD patients should get their yearly flu shot to stave off exacerbations and infections.
Whatever medications your doctor recommends should be included in your action plan along with enough detail to help you use them reliably and consistently. If you have any questions about your medications or how to use them, talk to your doctor and ask him to clarify the instructions in your plan.
Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises like pursed lips breathing and diaphragmatic breathing are a vital part of daily COPD management for patients who struggle with shortness of breath. These breathing techniques help you control your breaths and even strengthen the muscles in your chest that you use to breathe.
Practicing breathing techniques every day can help you keep your breathing steady and under control when you exercise and do other active, daily tasks. They can also help you manage minor symptom flare-ups and get through bouts of coughing more easily.
If you deal with breathlessness and coughing often, your doctor may recommend breathing exercises as part of your everyday COPD management plan. They may also be helpful to practice when your symptoms get worse as part of your yellow zone action plan, too.
Managing Airway Congestion
Excess mucus is a common symptom that many COPD patients have to manage. If you don't take care to stay hydrated and clear the mucus out of your lungs, it can make symptoms like coughing and breathlessness worse.
If you let mucus build up in your airways, it narrows the passages that air can flow through and makes it more difficult to breathe. Mucus buildup can also trap bacteria, viruses, and irritating particles that can inflame your airways or cause infections in your lungs.
Because of this, keeping your airways clear of mucus is often an important part of managing COPD. To address this, your treatment plan may include mucus clearance techniques to use when you get excess phlegm.
The goal of mucus clearance techniques is to dislodge stuck mucus from the walls of your airways and cough it up and out of your lungs. Often a two-pronged approach of proper hydration and huff coughing can help you keep congestion under control.
Staying hydrated thins out your mucus, while coughing moves the mucus up through your airways so you can cough it up through your mouth. Your doctor may also recommend a variety of other mucus clearance techniques and aids, such as chest percussion, positional drainage, or using a special high frequency chest wall oscillation vest, as part of your COPD action plan.
Quitting Smoking
If you are a smoker, then quitting should be your number one priority and included as part of your COPD action plan. Quitting smoking will help prevent further damage to your lungs, reduce flare-ups, and preserve the lung function that you still have left.
To help you quit, you may want to include a quit smoking program or therapy as part of your COPD management plan. If you are unable to quit, reducing the number of cigarettes you smoke or seeing a smoking cessation therapist can help put you on the right track to ending your addiction.
If you want help quitting smoking, check out this article, “Where to Get Help When You Decide to Quit Smoking,” from the National Cancer Institute. You can also get more information about smoking cessation and quit smoking resources from the CDC, the American Lung Association, smokefree.gov, and many other places online.
Other Healthy Lifestyle Goals
Oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and inhaled medication are the most common treatment options for COPD. They’re proven to significantly reduce respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath, while simultaneously reducing the rate at which COPD progresses.
But if there’s one lesson you can learn about medical conditions, it’s that there’s no “one-size-fits-all” solution. Many patients suffering with COPD have overlapping conditions that may prevent them from experiencing relief using traditional treatment methods, or they might simply be dissatisfied with the results that they experience. At this point, it’s not out of the question to try a different approach like lung surgery.
Lung surgery, especially highly invasive lung surgery, often gets a bad rap in the medical community because it can be dangerous, costly, and time consuming. However, you should never be too quick to write them off, especially when it comes to treating a life-threatening condition like COPD. Millions of people around the world can attest to the effectiveness of surgery for COPD and it’s an area that’s seen some major advancements in recent years.
Whether you’re considering surgery for COPD or you’re just curious what your options are, you’ve come to the right place. In the following sections we’re going to take a look at each of the surgical procedures currently available for COPD, helping you to weigh their advantages, disadvantages, risks, and more.
Who Needs Surgery for COPD?
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, surgery is usually a last resort for someone suffering with COPD. While surgery is an option in all four stages of COPD, it’s most commonly advised only in stage four or “end-stage” COPD. Oftentimes, medical professionals are put in a difficult situation because the patient’s respiratory ailments need to be bad enough to warrant surgery but the patient also needs to be healthy enough for the procedure to go as planned.
Some considerations your doctor will make include:
- Your overall health and health history. Your doctor will want to ensure that you are strong enough to recover after the surgery and that you have a healthy body weight. If you have other conditions that may affect the surgery, you may not be approved for the procedure.
- Your ability and willingness to participate in pulmonary rehabilitation programs. These programs aren’t only great for teaching you how to breathe and exercise correctly, but they provide your doctor with important information about your progress.
- Your age. Surgery is not recommended for patients over the age of 75.
- You’re not a smoker. Smoking is known to cause a number of complications with surgery. It reduces blood flow, slowing the healing process after surgery and puts you at a greater risk of contracting pneumonia and other acute respiratory illnesses.
These are the general guidelines your doctor will use to determine if you’re right for surgery, however, there may be other requirements you have to meet. For example, your doctor may have to perform tests to locate the damaged area of the lung. If the damage is in the wrong area or it’s not localized, you may not benefit from surgery.
What Types of Lung Surgery Are There?
There are four main types of surgery used to treat COPD including bullectomy, lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS), endobronchial valves, and lung transplants. While each of these procedures is very different, they all have the same purpose: to allow the patient to breathe easier, reduce coughing and wheezing, and increase life expectancy and quality of life.
Lung Volume Reduction Surgery (LVRS)
Just like the name suggests, the goal of LVRS is to reduce the size of the lungs. While this may seem counterintuitive since you’re trying to make it easier to breathe, this procedure is used for COPD patients with a very specific type of ailment called hyperinflation where the lungs are in a perpetual state of overinflation. When this happens, it can be difficult to breathe because you won’t be able to fully expel air from the lungs.
How Emphysema Causes Hyperinflation
While hyperinflation can be caused by a number of lung conditions, it’s primarily caused by emphysema. About 3.5 million Americans have emphysema, a condition that causes damage to the alveoli (tiny air sacs) within the lungs. After years of exposure to cigarette smoke and other airborne chemicals, these air sacs begin to expand and become inflamed, impairing their ability to transfer oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the blood.
In a healthy person, the alveoli are elastic, allowing gasses to flow in and out of them easily. However, in an emphysema patient, these air sacs are baggy and air can get trapped in them, blocking healthy alveoli that surround it. This is known as “static” hyperinflation and can make it very painful to breathe and causing you to trap carbon dioxide within the lungs.
“Dynamic” hyperinflation is another type of overinflation of the lungs that can either work in tandem with or independently from static hyperinflation. Dynamic hyperinflation is caused by hyperpnea (the increased depth and rate of breathing) or exercise and results in an increase in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV).
Despite every emphysema patient having damaged alveoli, only about 1 - 2% of COPD patients qualify for LVRS. This procedure is typically only advised for patients with severe symptoms like if your FEV1 value (the amount of air you can expel in one second) is below 50%.
Your doctor will likely recommend LVRS if you have upper lobe predominant emphysema. This is a type of centrilobular emphysema that progresses upward, damaging both the upper lobes of the lungs and bronchioles (respiratory passageways).
How Lung Volume Reduction Surgery Works
While it may seem like the bigger the lungs are, the better they are for breathing, it’s not quite this simple. Think of the lungs like a giant sponge. When the lungs expand, they draw in air until they reach their max capacity. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the blood through the alveoli and then you can fully expel the carbon dioxide in the lungs.
Having bigger lungs wouldn’t help you unless you had more functioning alveoli to perform the exchange. So, if part of your lungs is severely damaged, it can actually be causing more harm than good. In the case of hyperinflation, the damaged part of the lungs is actually acting as dead weight that you have to deal with every time you breathe.
The goal of LVRS is to remove that section that’s causing problems and leave only the optimal, high-functioning parts of the lungs. This is typically about 30 percent of each lung, however, it depends on individual circumstances. There are two methods used to complete lung volume reduction surgery:
This is the preliminary process in many types of heart and lung surgery. During this procedure, an incision is made down the center of the chest wall and the breastbone is separated. After the damaged tissue is removed and the lungs are resealed, the breastbone is put back into place to heal.
Another less invasive method for completing lung volume reduction surgery is a thoracoscopy. During this procedure, several small incisions will be made between the ribs. The surgeon will use a videoscope to monitor what’s going on inside the chest. A stapler and grasper are used to remove the damaged tissue and reseal the lungs.
A bullectomy is a type of lung surgery used to remove bullae from the lungs. A bulla is a small air bubble that is at least 1 cm in size, but it differs from other abscesses in the body in that it usually forms on the lungs due to something called bullous lung disease. However, occasionally, they can be found in otherwise healthy lungs.
Bullae usually grow over time and the bigger they get, the more they obstruct the function of the lungs. While in most patients bullae are harmless and dissipate with time, in severe cases, medical professionals may resort to a bullectomy to remove the pockets of air on the lungs.
Similar to hyperinflation, bullae affect the alveoli in the lungs. However, in this case, bullae result when the walls of the air sacs break down and form larger ones. These new air sacs don’t assist in transferring oxygen to the blood, and instead end up suppressing and weighing down on surrounding tissue.
Classification of Bullous Lung Disease
If you have COPD, there are two categories of bullous lung disease that you should know about: bullous emphysema and vanishing lung syndrome.
- Bullous emphysema is the classification of bullae that form in emphysematous lung parenchyma. This is characterized by the formation of multiple adjacent bullae which are the result of the progressive loss of alveolar attachments. 80 percent of patients with bullae have associated pulmonary emphysema.
- Vanishing lung syndrome got its name because on X-ray, it makes it look like the lungs are disappearing. This condition commonly affects young male smokers and is characterized by a large emphysematous bullae on the upper lobes of the lung. VLS is uncommon and usually requires a bullectomy for treatment.
When bullae form in normal lungs, they usually form on their own and are surrounded by healthy tissue. Although health experts are not quite sure what causes this type of bullae, it’s likely caused by some type of focal anatomic defect that causes progressive air trapping. Even with bullae, many patients still experience normal lung function.
How a Bullectomy Procedure Works
If the bullae found on your lungs are progressing quickly or they’re obstructing your breathing, you may qualify for a bullectomy. This procedure is much less intrusive than other types of lung surgery and can be completed using video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS), also known as videoscopic surgery.
Endoscopic Lung Volume Reduction
While not technically “surgical,” valve therapy (endoscopic lung volume reduction) is often used as an alternative for lung volume reduction surgery. The basic premise of these valves is to prevent air from entering diseased areas of the lung while allowing air to exit freely. By doing so, the patient will be able to maintain an equilibrium with each breath and prevent hyperinflation of either lung.
Zephyr valves, produced by PulmonX, are the most widely accepted and successful endobronchial valves on the market. And since the first successful implant in 2001, the company has developed a number of technologies to assess emphysema patients and provide better treatment.
Aside from being minimally invasive, one of the major benefits of endobronchial valves is that they can be repaired, removed, or adjusted as needed. Whereas lung volume reduction surgery is permanent, specialists are able to easily remove and repair endobronchial valves, move them around, or replace them entirely with a simple procedure.
{{cta('b59df0c1-c4de-47a8-8e1c-0d33d4b414aa','justifycenter')}}Lung Transplant Surgery
Last but certainly not least, we have lung transplant surgery. Despite being one of the most discussed surgery options for COPD, it’s far from being a common procedure. According to the 2015 report from The Registry of the International Society for Heart and Lung Transplantation, just over 17,000 patients had lung transplants for COPD between 1995 and 2014. This is a small fraction of people with COPD.
Because lung transplants are some of the most invasive and complicated procedures surgeons can perform, there is a long list of criteria that must be met before a patient will even be considered. Patients must be screened before the operation to ensure they don’t have any active infections or other health issues that could lead to complications.
When are lung transplants advised?
Permanently damaged lungs can significantly reduce someone’s quality of life. There are many treatment options like oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation which can increase your quality of life and help you live normally again. However, when all these other options fail and your doctor knows you won’t get better without surgery, he/she may recommend a lung transplant. Some of the most common reasons to have a lung transplant include:
- Cystic fibrosis
- Pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in lungs)
- Lung scarring (pulmonary fibrosis)
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Lung transplants are almost always a last resort option for treating these conditions. Your doctor may perform a number of tests to determine if other surgeries or medications are an option. Surgeries like lung volume reduction are far less invasive, costly, and time consuming, and they may provide you with the same or comparable benefits.
Risks of lung transplant surgery
Due to the intensiveness of lung transplant surgeries, there are many risks associated with them. Your doctor will be very precise and thorough when describing how to prepare for the procedure in order to reduce risks and leave as little room for error as possible. Before you even consider lung transplant surgery, it’s important to understand the risks involved.
Lung Rejection
Your body is naturally equipped to fight infections and foreign substances using both your adaptive and innate immune system. While everyone’s immune system has its strengths and weaknesses, most tend to recognize the transplanted organ as a “foreign object.” When this happens, it can lead to organ failure. This is more likely to happen immediately after surgery and becomes less frequent as time goes on.
There are several different types of lung rejection that can happen after a lung transplant. Acute rejection is an immediate reaction to the new lung or lungs and is fairly common. As such, your doctor will be closely monitoring your progress after the surgery and you should ensure that you’re taking the immunosuppressive drugs that you’re given which will help your body accept the new lungs.
Another type of rejection is chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD), or long-term lung rejection. This condition usually results in airflow restrictions or obstructions and can have symptoms ranging from mild to severe. One of the most common types of chronic lung rejection is bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS), a condition causing inflammation that affects the bronchioles, the smallest airways in the lungs.
Infection is another risk after lung transplant surgery. Your doctor will provide you with a plan that suppresses your immune system so that the lungs aren’t rejected, but this will also make you more likely to get sick. Contracting acute respiratory illness may also exacerbate any issues your body is having with accepting the new lungs, so it’s important to stay healthy.
Fortunately, lung transplants have become much safer within the past several decades. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the one-year survival rate of a lung transplant patient was 45 percent in 1990. Since then, survival rates have risen to 83 percent, meaning transplants are a much more viable option than they were in the past.
How To Get Started
COPD is a debilitating respiratory condition that affects millions of people across the world. For some, COPD symptoms are not bad enough to warrant lung surgery, but for others, especially those in stage 4, surgery may be the only effective way of seeking relief. Whether you’re preparing for an upcoming surgery or surgery is something you may be considering in the near future, there are a few things you can do right now to prepare.
Speak With Your Doctor
Before you do anything else, it’s important to first consult with your primary care physician and pulmonologist. Many patients tend to rush into things only to be disappointed when they find out they don’t need or qualify for surgery. On the other hand, some people are terrified by the thought of surgery and try to avoid it meaning they could be missing out on a great opportunity to seek relief from their symptoms.
The more open and honest you can be about how you’re feeling and what symptoms you’re experiencing, the better your doctor will be able to align you with a treatment plan that works for you. Because surgery is so costly and time consuming, your doctor will likely try many other options before resorting to surgery.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is the primary cause of some of the world’s deadliest lung diseases including COPD and lung cancer — but the problems don’t end there. Smokers are also at a much higher risk of contracting type 2 diabetes, cataracts, strokes, heart disease, and complications during lung surgery.
According to the Truth Initiative, an organization dedicated to promoting tobacco-free living, smoking decreases blood flow and alters the immune system making it difficult for your body to heal properly. And because surgery is such a precise process, doctors will want to eliminate any potential risks they can before they begin. While some surgeons may operate on someone who has smoked recently, it’s in your best interest to stop as soon as possible.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is an effective method of reducing shortness of breath, fatigue, and depression in COPD patients. And according to a study by the Journal of Thoracic Disease, preoperative pulmonary rehabilitation is also an important process increasing exercise tolerance before surgery. The study concludes that exercise capacity reduces both postoperative complication risk and the amount of time patients spend in the hospital after a surgery. Additionally, preoperative exercise increases muscle mass and reduces fatigue which can also help with the healing process post-surgery.
Eat Right
Your diet plays a crucial role in your body’s ability to manage and treat COPD symptoms like breathlessness, fatigue, and chest pain. Many COPD patients report feeling weighed down and weak when they don’t get the right nutrients in their body, and this is no different when it comes to preparing for a surgery.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) affects millions of people around the world. It’s a lung disease characterized by difficulty breathing, coughing, wheezing, chest pain, and more. While there is no cure for COPD, its symptoms can be reduced significantly by following a strict treatment plan designed by your doctor.
In our blog, we’ve discussed many topics about living with COPD such as shopping and cooking, completing household chores, and even living a more fulfilling life. But what about COPD patients who aren’t able to do these daily tasks without help? After all, COPD is a debilitating disease and for many people, doing the things they once could are simply no longer possible — this is where caregivers come in.
While you may think of a caregiver as someone hired by a home healthcare company, in reality, most caregivers are friends or family members who take time out of their busy day to help a loved one. Oftentimes, caregivers are people who are working full-time or part-time jobs, have kids, a spouse, or other commitments to attend to, so if you’re thinking of taking on the role of a caregiver, you need to be able to manage your time effectively.
Unfortunately, for this type of caregiver, there is no type of training to help prepare you for the task ahead. Being a caregiver means taking things one day at a time and adapting to the needs of your loved one as they age and their condition changes. At the same time, it’s important that you don’t forget the relationship you have with this person. In other words, just because you’re caring for someone doesn’t mean you can’t still be their son, daughter, grand kid, or friend.
In the following sections, we’re going to discuss the importance of caregiving for COPD patients, what you should know to get started, and some helpful tips to manage your time more effectively. It’s important to remember that you’re not alone in becoming a caregiver. According to the COPD Foundation, there are 65 million family caregivers nationwide who spend 20 hours a week on average caring for a loved one, so if you have any questions, consult online forums like AgingCare or speak with a pulmonary specialist.
Getting Started as a Caregiver for COPD
For many people looking to help a friend or loved one through caregiving, knowing where to get started can often be the hardest part. While you want to provide them with the best care you can, you still have your own life to manage, so finding the right balance should always be your first step.
Determine If You’re The Right Fit
One thing you should immediately ask yourself when presented with the prospect of caregiving for someone with COPD is, “Am I the right fit?” While you may be fully capable of taking on the challenge, that doesn’t necessarily mean your busy life will allow it.
Many people have children to raise, jobs to work, or other tasks to attend to, so the more honest you can be to yourself and your loved one about the feasibility of becoming a caregiver, the better. It’s best to find an alternative now rather than realizing three or four months in that you won’t be able to take care of them. Chances are, if it means sacrificing your relationships with friends, family members, or your job security, then finding another option is not out of the question.
Start by reaching out to home care providers in your area. While in-home care can be expensive, you need to consider all your options and remember that many health insurance companies, including Medicare, cover some form of home health services. Depending on your specific needs, it may be covered through either Part A or Part B of Medicare and includes care provided by a home health aide, therapy, and intermittent skilled nursing care.
It’s unlikely that you will get reimbursement from your health insurance if your loved one isn’t homebound, meaning they aren’t able to leave the home without extreme difficulty. Another thing to note is that you will need a signed home health certification from your doctor in order to be covered. If you’d like to learn more about this process, visit Medicare Interactive’s home health services page.
Allocating Your Time
Now that you’ve taken the time to consider hiring a home care provider, you need to start allocating time on your schedule. If you’ve hired a home care professional, you may only need to be there with them for a certain period of time each day. At this point, it’s just about finding this time in your schedule and making sure people are aware that you won’t be available during those times.
Staying organized will make all the difference in the world when you become a caregiver because it will ensure that you’re always prepared for whatever challenges you may face. If you’re organized, you’ll be able to more easily schedule doctors appointments, make yourself available for emergencies, and ensure your loved one is attended to when they need it.
Doing Your Research
Researching COPD is one of the most important steps when preparing to be a caregiver. Generally speaking, the more educated you are about the disease and its unique symptoms, the better prepared you will be to deal with emergencies associated with it. There are two forms of COPD, emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
In the lungs, there are tiny air sacs called alveoli. Oxygen passes through the alveoli walls and enters the bloodstream when you breath. However, in someone with emphysema, these tiny air sacs are damaged and they’re less efficient at transferring oxygen to the blood. This results in symptoms like low blood oxygen levels, shortness of breath, persistent cough, fatigue, and excessive mucus production.
Chronic Bronchitis
Although chronic bronchitis has similar symptoms to emphysema, it’s a condition that damages the bronchi, the tubes that carry oxygen into the lungs. While the main symptom of emphysema is shortness of breath, the main symptom of chronic bronchitis is a frequent cough, usually accompanied by mucus. Many COPD patients have varying degrees of both these conditions.
Stages of COPD
Aside from the types of COPD, you should also be aware of the stages of COPD. Unlike many other lung conditions, the stages of this disease progress slowly over many years. Although someone with mild COPD may experience very few symptoms, someone with severe COPD can experience symptoms that are much worse and can even be life threatening.
Stage One
In the first stage of COPD, symptoms are so mild that many cases go undiagnosed. According to lung.org, millions of people may be experiencing the early stages of COPD and not even know it. Symptoms include breathlessness, chronic cough, and fatigue.
Stage Two
In the second stage of COPD, breathlessness, persistent cough, and mucus becomes more pronounced. While symptoms may be debilitating, people often brush them off as a natural part of aging.
Stage Three
By stage three, most people have sought help and realized that they’re dealing with a serious respiratory condition. Stage three is characterized by more difficulty breathing, chronic cough, headaches, fatigue, and increased likelihood of exacerbations. Oxygen therapy is likely needed at this point.
Stage Four
The fourth and final stage of COPD is considered “severe.” Patients in this stage need to follow a strict diet, undergo oxygen therapy and pulmonary rehabilitation. The symptoms include significant difficulty breathing, cardiovascular issues, chest tightness, wheezing, and severe and often life-threatening exacerbations.
These are just a few of the things you should know about each stage of COPD. If you’re going to be a caregiver to someone with COPD, you’ll need to know exactly what stage they are in and what symptoms they are experiencing. If you’d like more details about each stage, please refer to our blog titled: The 4 Stages of COPD: What You Need to Know.
Speak With Their Doctor
Besides doing your own research on COPD, your loved one’s doctor or pulmonary doctor will be your best resource for any type of information regarding his/her disease. When you become a caregiver, you should expect to be the primary point of contact with their doctor because they may be unable to do so.
Before each doctor’s visit, it’s a good idea to sit down with your loved one and write up a list of questions to ask. It’s much easier to get all your questions answered during your visit than to have to keep calling him or her for information. However, if it’s your first time visiting with the doctor for COPD, you can find a great list of questions to ask in our blog, “16 Questions You Should Ask Your Doctor About COPD.”
Understanding The Unique Needs of a COPD Patient
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is unique in that it can’t be cured, but its symptoms can be significantly reduced with proper treatment. As a caregiver, you have the opportunity to have a significant impact on a patient’s life, not just by performing daily tasks, but by helping them maintain the treatment program set forth by their doctor. What’s more, there are a whole host of home remedies you can try to improve the quality of life of your loved one.
Symptoms and Exacerbations
Before being diagnosed with COPD, many people believe that their symptoms are a natural part of aging. Whether they have emphysema or chronic bronchitis, COPD symptoms are often confused with acute diseases like pneumonia or the common cold. However, when these symptoms last more than a couple weeks, it’s usually a sign that you’re dealing with something more serious. Caregivers need to learn to recognize the symptoms of COPD and COPD exacerbations so they can better treat them or prevent them altogether.
What is an exacerbation?
An exacerbation is a sudden flare up of lung symptoms. Typically, an exacerbation is triggered by either an external factor like air pollution or an internal factor like an infection or virus. So, as a caregiver, you need to make sure you’re doing everything you can to prevent your loved one from getting sick or being in an environment that could cause a COPD exacerbation. In end-stage COPD, exacerbations can be fatal, so they’re often referred to as a “stroke of the lungs.”
What can you do to prevent them?
As a caregiver, there’s a lot you can do to prevent exacerbations. First and foremost, you should understand the signs that an exacerbation is occurring. If you notice any of the following symptoms, you should visit your pulmonologist immediately.
- An increase in frequency or severity of cough
- Increased breathlessness when walking or at rest
- Pain or stiffness in the chest
- Lower blood oxygen levels than normal
- Headaches, lightheadedness, or difficulty sleeping
Avoid getting sick
Acute conditions like the common cold or the flu may be harmless to someone without COPD, but for someone with the disease, it can lead to severe complications and even be fatal. Sickness causes an inflammatory response in the body that can result in increased mucus production, congestion, and more coughing than usual all of which exacerbates COPD issues. If your loved one enjoys spending time with friends and family, take the time to ensure they aren’t near anyone who is sick and if they are, try to schedule their visit for another day.
Eating immune-boosting foods like oranges, yogurt, and ginger is one way to prevent sickness. Since respiration and metabolism are closely linked, maintaining a healthy diet not only prevents sickness, it also keeps a COPD patient feeling more alert, energetic, and ready to take on the day. As a caretaker, it’s a good idea to organize a diet routine for your loved one. However, be sure to speak to their doctor before getting started.
Improve indoor air quality
Many homes have an indoor air quality problem. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Americans spend about 90 percent of their time inside where pollutants are concentrated up to five times as much as outdoors. When you’re taking care of someone with COPD, you need to be hyper aware of everything that’s affecting the quality of air inside their home. Try the following to boost indoor air quality.
- Avoid using air fresheners or any cleaning product with artificial fragrances
- Avoid using cleaning products with perchloroethylene, formaldehyde, 2-butoxyethanol, ammonia, sodium hydroxide, or chlorine.
- Vacuum and dust frequently
- Replace HVAC filters and prevent dragging in allergens from outdoors
It’s also important to ensure air quality is safe when you go out of the home. If you live in a busy area, avoid going outside during rush hour or any time air pollution will be at its worst. Seasonal allergies can also cause COPD exacerbations so be sure to avoid any parks or areas with a lot of pollen. There are a lot of trees that give off pollen, so check out a full list here. And if you’d like more information on improving indoor air quality read our blog about this subject.
Be prepared for an emergency
Beyond preventing sickness and improving indoor air quality, you should always be prepared for an emergency. First of all, you should locate the nearest emergency room and have a list of people to contact in case of an emergency such as their primary care physician and neighbors. While you may not always be able to make it to a loved one in an emergency, there should always be someone close by who can. Be sure to take this into consideration each time you plan a trip as well.
Oxygen Therapy
Many COPD patients are prescribed supplemental oxygen because it’s the most effective means of increasing blood oxygen levels and reducing COPD symptoms. Caregivers should be responsible for ensuring their oxygen tanks or oxygen concentrators are in working condition and that it’s comfortable for the patient.
Choosing an oxygen device
If your loved one is unable to choose an oxygen device on their own, you may need to help them out. It can be a tricky process narrowing down all your options so you should take your time and speak with an expert. Oxygen therapy devices include oxygen gas, liquid oxygen, and oxygen concentrators. Oxygen gas and liquid oxygen are stored in a tank while oxygen concentrators pull in ambient air and output a more pure, concentrated form of oxygen.
While there are pros and cons to each type of oxygen therapy, portable oxygen concentrators are the most state-of-the-art option. They’re lightweight (usually around 4 or 5 pounds), easy to maintain, and aren’t bulky like oxygen tanks. However, the oxygen device you choose will ultimately depend on the needs of your loved one and the recommendations made by his/her doctor.
Cleaning and maintenance
Once an oxygen device has been purchased, caretakers should clean and maintain the device. Oxygen tanks need to be refilled when they’re low on oxygen and portable oxygen concentrators have batteries that need to be recharged. Oxygen concentrators also have filters that should be cleaned often and replaced after 6 to 12 months of use. Nasal cannulas should also be cleaned regularly and replaced every couple months.
While most oxygen therapies are reliable, there’s always a chance you could encounter a faulty product. Once you’ve purchased a device, take the time to read the manual and get more acquainted with it so that you’re more equipped to deal with any problem you may encounter. Be sure to jot down the customer service number too so you have someone to contact if you’re away from home.
Ensuring it’s comfortable
Another aspect of oxygen therapy is how comfortable it is for the patient. Some people may have problems with the nasal cannulae, the tubing that runs from the device to the patient’s nose. There are several different types like curved prong cannulas, flared prong cannulas, and straight prong cannulas. While they all do the same thing, your loved one may find that one is more comfortable than another and that one may distribute oxygen better without becoming obstructed in the nasal passage.
Another comfort issue some people encounter with oxygen therapy is dryness in the nose. Since air is constantly being pumped out of the device, it can lead to rashes or irritated skin. This can be fixed by using an oxygen humidifier on your device. These are usually pretty lightweight, portable, and easy to maintain. Many CPAP and BiPAP machines come with humidifiers built into the device. For more information, read our blog titled How to Make Supplemental Oxygen More Comfortable.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation is the process of improving lung function through simple exercises and techniques. This isn’t something you can do at home, however; you’ll need to see a pulmonary specialist for up to 12 weeks through a pulmonary rehabilitation program. These programs teach COPD patients how their lungs work, evaluate their lung health, and give you practical exercises for improving your lung function. Once this program is complete, the patient will be able to exercise at home more effectively.
As a caretaker, you should ensure that your loved one is always able to make it to their classes. Typically, they’re only two or three times a week, but it’s important that they make it to each session so that they get the most out of it. Once their classes are over, you can help them create an exercise schedule that will keep them on track.
Managing and administering medication is another important part of being a caretaker. Depending on the stage, severity, and other conditions your loved one may be coping with, there are a number of drugs your doctor may prescribe. You should follow these closely and ensure that you only administer the exact amount that the doctor orders. If you need to make any changes for any reason, be sure to consult a doctor first.
These drugs are typically administered to people with COPD or asthma and come in either oral or inhaled forms. Corticosteroids have a number of negative risks like high blood pressure, weight gain, and fluid retention, so it’s imperative that you take only the prescribed amount. Since oral corticosteroids affect the whole body, they’re more likely to have these negative side-effects.
This type of drug is important for anyone suffering with COPD, asthma, and allergic reactions. A bronchodilator relaxes muscles in the lung helping to clear mucus, reduce inflammation, and make it easier to breathe.
Other Medication
If your loved one suffers from another condition, your doctor may prescribe you other medication. Many drugs have negative symptoms when they’re used together so you’ll need to be careful and pay attention to what his/her doctor is telling you. If you have any questions or concerns about medications, it’s best to address them sooner rather than later.
Planning Doctor’s Visits
If you thought planning doctor’s visits and organizing medical paperwork was hard when you’re healthy, imagine doing it with a chronic condition like COPD. An easy way to keep track of all of this is to put together a calendar and filing cabinet just for COPD-related paperwork. When you schedule an appointment, mark it on your calendar. During your visit, take notes and store it in your filing cabinet so that you can refer back to it in the future.
Completing Daily Tasks
Another way to help a COPD patient is to complete daily tasks for them unrelated to their condition. Just like anyone else, someone with COPD still has things to get done around the house, errands to run, and people to get in touch with.
Grocery Shopping
Grocery shopping is no easy task for someone with COPD. Planning a trip to the store can take a lot of time and energy and leave someone feeling breathless and fatigued, especially in the later stages of COPD. As a caregiver, grocery shopping for them is a great way to help out and take a lot of weight off their shoulders. However, if you don’t have time or you’d rather spend it at home helping your loved one, many grocery stores have grocery delivery services that are surprisingly affordable.
We’ve already talked about using safe cleaning products without harmful chemicals, but you should also be helping with organizing and picking up around the house. Organizing their closet, cleaning their dishes, or vacuuming are some simple ways to make your loved one’s life easier and less stressful. Typically, homecare providers won’t clean up around the house so you may need to hire a maid or a friend to help out.
Being around the stove or oven for extended p
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung condition that affects millions of people across the country. Advanced stages of COPD can lead to debilitating symptoms such as breathlessness, wheezing, and chest tightness. Since there is no cure for COPD, managing its symptoms is the best way to prevent it from progressing.
With that being said, it’s no surprise that many people afflicted with COPD also develop anxiety from their condition. In tandem with physical symptoms, knowing that the condition can’t be reversed can lead to severe anxiety and reduced quality of life. This is a common response and should be taken just as seriously as the disease itself.
In the following sections, we’re going to take a look at how exactly COPD can lead to anxiety, how anxiety can make COPD symptoms worse, and what you can do to prevent this negative feedback loop.
How COPD Can Cause Anxiety
Much like how you feel hungry when you haven’t eaten all day or thirsty when you’re dehydrated, your body will exhibit symptoms when it’s low on oxygen. Short-term symptoms like the need to stop and rest more frequently while exercising are easy to notice, however, anxiety tends to be more of a long-term reaction that can be more difficult to detect.
It’s normal to experience anxiety to some extent throughout our daily lives and it can even be used to motivate us to make a change. For example, if you have dirty dishes piling up in your sink, you may experience enough anxiety to clean them and put them away, leaving you feeling relieved and accomplished.
On the other hand, chronic and severe anxiety, like what you may experience as a result of COPD, is not healthy and can even contribute to the physical symptoms you’re experiencing.
According to a study published by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), instances of anxiety and depression are “generally higher than those reported in other advanced chronic diseases,” and are much higher than the prevalence of anxiety in the general public, especially during later stages of the disease.
We’re going to take a look at just a few of the main reasons COPD leads to anxiety and what you can do about it.
Shallow Breathing
On average, a healthy person takes between 12 to 20 breaths per minute. If you take more breaths than this, it is known as tachypnea or hyperventilation. Although on the surface, this may not seem like a serious issue, for a COPD patient, it may be the root cause of their anxiety.
According to the Yearbook of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, patients with COPD demonstrate shallow and rapid breathing that often results in hypercapnia or carbon dioxide retention. This shallow breathing is usually the result of diminishing lung elasticity and general lung function and can result in breathlessness and increased blood pressure.
Whether it occurs as an isolated incident or chronically like in progressive lung disease, hypercapnia causes a stress response in the body that leads to anxiety. It’s your brain’s way of telling you that something’s wrong and your body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs.
COPD Exacerbations
A COPD exacerbation can result from anything that causes COPD symptoms to worsen. For example, inhaling an irritating substance like pollution or contracting an illness that leads to inflammation of the airways.
Exacerbations like these can lead to a sudden onset of anxiety commonly called panic attacks. If you’d like more information on treating and preventing COPD-induced panic attacks, our blog titled COPD and Panic Attacks: How to Manage Your Anxiety will be a great resource for you.
Aside from panic attacks, however, you might have anxiety about experiencing another exacerbation. For example, if you were outside when an exacerbation occurred, you may have a fear of going outside, especially in busy areas where you feel a lack of control. If this persists long enough, you could be missing out on a lot of the things you enjoy doing in your life.
Feelings of Guilt
One of the most common causes of anxiety in people with chronic respiratory conditions is a sense of guilt. Some patients may feel guilty about their increased dependency on loved ones or about an activity that they are no longer able to do with their condition.
Over time, feelings of guilt can lead to COPD patients not asking for the help they need or distancing themselves from friends and family in order to regain some independence.
The Breathlessness-Anxiety Cycle
When COPD and anxiety combine, they can create a cycle of negative feedback. Feelings of breathlessness may provoke panic, causing you to feel more anxious, thus making it harder to breathe. When you get caught up in this cycle, it may be difficult to distinguish the symptoms of anxiety with the symptoms of COPD.
If you believe you’ve found yourself in this breathlessness-anxiety cycle, it’s important that you speak with a doctor before making any decisions about your health. If you take medication for anxiety, it may exacerbate your COPD symptoms or vise versa. Your doctor will help you find the right balance and ensure that you aren’t making symptoms worse.
How To Reduce COPD-Induced Anxiety
Fortunately, there is ample research done on anxiety and many resources out there for you to go to if you’re experiencing COPD-related anxiety. But a good place to start would be to simply try to recognize the signs of anxiety and how they might be affecting your COPD symptoms.
If you notice that you’re stuck in a loop of negative thoughts surrounding your condition, you’re most likely experiencing anxiety and you should speak with a doctor immediately. However, in the meantime, try some of these tips to reduce anxiety, and ideally, improve COPD symptoms at the same time.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is the process of improving lung function and reducing the symptoms of chronic respiratory conditions through exercise and education. In pulmonary rehabilitation, you will learn more about how your lungs work and how to exercise effectively and safely.
By attending pulmonary rehabilitation, you will not only learn techniques for breathing more effectively, but you will be surrounded by a group of people who are facing similar challenges in their lives. This is a great opportunity to meet some new people and socialize which, in and of itself, may help you alleviate feelings of anxiety.
Breathing Exercises
Although it may seem silly to practice your breathing, it’s incredibly important and can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life, especially if you have a chronic respiratory condition like COPD.
Taking the time to understand how your breathing and posture affect your oxygen intake can be hugely beneficial. And as a result, you’ll be able to reduce symptoms of anxiety significantly. There are a lot of different breathing exercises you can try, however, for COPD patients, diaphragmatic breathing, deep breathing, and pursed lips breathing tend to be the most effective.
Diaphragmatic Breathing
The diaphragm is the muscle under the chest cavity that’s responsible for expanding the lungs, allowing air to flow in. Due to the reduced lung function in COPD patients, however, many people develop a rapid, shallow breath that doesn’t use the diaphragm muscle. Diaphragmatic breathing will help you concentrate on “breathing from the stomach” rather than breathing from the chest.
Deep Breathing
Once you’ve mastered diaphragmatic breathing, you may want to give deep breathing a try. Similar to diaphragmatic breathing, deep breathing requires you to take in a lot of air. However, with this exercise, you will breathe in slowly until your lungs are completely filled and then release it slowly. Ideally, you’ll want to be lying on your back to practice deep breathing exercises.
Pursed Lips Breathing
With this breathing technique, you will inhale slowly through your nose and release it slowly through pursed lips. The purpose of the pursed lips is to increase resistance in the airways, keeping them open while you breathe. Breathing in this way will help you calm down and reduce anxiety.
For more detailed information on breathing techniques, check out 6 Effective Breathing Techniques and Exercises for COPD.
Get More Sleep
One of the main causes of anxiety is a lack of sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep each night, your body is not physically, mentally, or psychologically equipped to make it through the day. And when you’re living life with COPD, you’re carrying additional emotional baggage that many people are not dealing with.
Sleep apnea is a condition affecting more than 18 million Americans. Although it’s not any more common among people with COPD, it can be a lot more dangerous for those that do. When someone has both COPD and sleep apnea it’s called “overlap syndrome” which increases your risk for chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, and hypercapnia.
Improve Your Diet
If you’ve already read our blog about 21 Healthy Foods You Should Eat if You Have COPD and 11 Foods You Should Avoid if You Have COPD, then you already have a pretty good idea of what food is good and bad for COPD. However, when it comes to anxiety, there are two in particular that you need to watch out for — sugar and caffeine.
Although sugar may make you feel great when you first consume it, your body will release extra insulin to absorb the glucose and once this happens, you’ll experience a sugar crash. After a sugar crash, you can expect to feel increased levels of anxiety, irritability, and fatigue.
Similarly with caffeine, you’ll get a quick boost of energy, but reduced levels of serotonin (the feel-good chemical) leading to a depressed mood. The bottom line here is that COPD symptoms are already hard enough to deal with and consuming copious amounts of sugar and caffeine will only make them more difficult in the long run.
Practice Positive Thinking
Sometimes, simply changing your mindset is a great way to reduce COPD-induced anxiety. Whenever you start a new medication, exercise routine, or anything else related to your COPD treatment plan, it pays to see things in a positive light and prevent negative thoughts wherever possible.
Although there is no way to cure COPD, if you follow your doctor’s recommendations and you take care of yourself, you’ll be surprised at all the things you can accomplish! Many people with COPD are able to live long and fulfilling lives just by making a few simple lifestyle changes.
If you’ve never tried it before, you may want to consider meditation or other techniques that help to quiet the mind and relieve tension in the body. These techniques often work hand-in-hand with breathing exercises because the more in tune you are with your body’s needs, the more your mind will be at ease.
Aside from meditation, maintaining a positive outlook on your situation can help you immensely in the long run. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your condition, try living in the moment and enjoying time spent with friends and family or doing your favorite hobbies.
Get Outside
In this day and age, humans spend the majority of their time indoors. There are a number of ways that this can have a toll on our mental health, especially when coping with a chronic condition like COPD.
In the past, before the invention of the electric light, humans spent more time outdoors. As a result, the human circadian rhythm was in sync with the natural light-dark cycle. However nowadays, we’re often exposed to light immediately before bed, after waking up, and all throughout the day which can disturb our sleep and increase anxiety.
The best way to combat this is to spend more time outside, especially in the morning or at night right before bed. Although many people work indoors throughout the day, the more you can mimic the natural day-night cycle of the earth, the better.
Another important part of this is staying consistent. Your body needs to get into a rhythm where it knows exactly what to expect each day. This will help you get more restful sleep and keep you feeling alert and positive each day you wake up.
Visit A Therapist
If you’ve tried all of the above solutions to anxiety but haven’t seen any success, you should never be afraid to speak with a therapist. Although it may seem like there is no solution to your anxiety, therapists are experienced with treating patients just like you.
Whether you’re experiencing general anxiety disorder or frequent panic attacks, a licensed mental health professional will help you identify and treat the underlying causes. More specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) will help increase awareness of negative thinking patterns so that you’re more equipped to take on a challenging situation.
Additionally, your psychiatrist will help you determine if medication may be beneficial such as antidepressants and other anti-anxiety drugs. If you’re having trouble finding a psychiatrist that’s right for you, be sure to speak with your primary care physician.
Follow Your Treatment Plan
COPD is a progressive disease. What this means is that symptoms rarely get better on their own and they tend to get worse unless medical action is taken. Your doctor will set you up with a clear treatment plan for COPD, and it’s important to stick with it.
COPD treatment may involve a variety of things such as oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, or vaccines to prevent illnesses that make COPD worse. Additionally, your doctor may recommend pulmonary rehabilitation and lifestyle changes like a special diet to follow. Be sure to listen carefully, and if you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. The more thoroughly you understand your condition, the better you will be able to manage it and the less anxiety you will experience.
When it comes to COPD-induced anxiety, the sooner you take action, the better. It’s not uncommon for someone coping with a chronic disease to experience anxiety, depression, or panic attacks, and there is always something you can do to relieve these symptoms.
By following your treatment plan and making changes to your lifestyle, you’ll be able to experience more peace of mind and assurance throughout your daily life. When you live anxiety free, you’ll be able to enjoy the time you spend with loved ones and doing all of the activities you enjoy.
Additionally, finding ways to relieve anxiety could help reduce COPD symptoms like breathlessness, chest tightness, and exacerbations. Be sure to speak with your doctor immediately if you have any questions.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease that causes lung irritation and therefore challenges breathing.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) it’s the fourth most common cause of death among people in the United States. Getting treatment and developing healthy lifestyle habits are essential to improving your quality of life with this condition.
In addition to breathing difficulties, coughing, and lack of energy, COPD can also lead to other weird symptoms that are not as commonly talked about. In this article we will talk about some of these symptoms and what you can do to relieve them.
Irritation, mood swings, and depression
It might not be your first connection when it comes to how COPD will affect your life, but your emotions play an important role in your breathing patterns and vice versa.
People with COPD will sometimes experience emotional problems that they previously didn’t have before they were diagnosed with COPD. They also may be found to have started having symptoms of depression not long before the COPD diagnosis that can be attributed to COPD because their diagnosis might be well after they actually started to have COPD. People who have anxiety or depression even before they have COPD are more at risk for having frequent and severe exacerbations. This is simply because emotions have a big impact on your breathing.
Some of the lifestyle changes and hardships that come with COPD can lead to feelings of loss, frustration, or sadness and if you can’t do the things you once did it is easy to get caught up in depression and anxious feelings. You may even experience a mood disorder that causes you to feel irritated and disinterested.
When you’re depressed, you can get stuck mourning life as you knew it before COPD. One study from The National Center for Biotechnology Information estimated that 40 percent of those with COPD suffer from depression.
So what can you do?
While the physical challenges are hard to face, it is the mental challenges of COPD that are hard to portray to caretakers and your loved ones. The best way to get better is to express your feelings and speak with a professional about how you can communicate these feelings better. You can also talk to your doctor about antidepressants and COPD.
If it is fitting, your doctor might want to prescribe a medication to help alleviate your depression. It’s crucial to find the right medication for you because many antidepressants can interfere with medications you may already take for your COPD.
Two medications that doctors prescribe for depression in people with COPD are sertraline (Zoloft) or citalopram (Celexa). Do not be discouraged if the medication does not work right away, It can take up to 8 weeks for an antidepressant to take full effect.
If you are trying to avoid taking additional medication, but are still suffering from depression, you might find relief by seeing a mental health specialist. You can learn from others in group therapy or find individual help with one on one therapy, both of which can help you learn how to cope with your disease and adapt to your life with COPD.
Ask your pulmonologist or primary care doctor for a reference for a well reviewed therapist who helps people in your particular condition or with similar backgrounds.
Support groups may also be beneficial for people with COPD who are experiencing depression. Being in a setting with others who are facing many of the same problems can help you feel less alone. You may discover some real life tips and advice for taking better care of yourself by talking to others. With the right combination of treatments and communication, you’ll be better able to cope with your COPD and your changing lifestyle.
A variety of online support groups are also available for people with COPD. You can simply search on Facebook “LPT Medical COPD & Respiratory Support Group” and find a community of people willing to help others with COPD. There are many other popular sites that have forums or discussion groups where members can share their feelings to an understanding group of peers.
Always remember that you aren’t the first person to feel this way and someone out there might have found a way of handling their emotions effectively. Taking the time to talk with someone from the comfort of your home can be a great first step to reaching out for help with depression.
How to manage showering
Showering with COPD can be very difficult and leave patients feeling exhausted just by simply standing in the water. Usually people use hot water to shower, and that humidity builds up creating a difficult breathing environment for yourself if you have COPD. You can also be exerting a lot of energy just standing for long periods of time in the heat, so your breathing will be affected by that.
So what can you do?
Here are a few suggestions to help conserve your strength and not become so short of breath while you shower.
1. Use a shower chair
If you have COPD it can take a lot of energy just to stand, bathe, and hold your arms above your head when washing your hair.
Using a shower stool can help you avoid exacerbating your condition. Sitting down alleviates the cost of energy you would exert by standing and bending over. By conserving energy, you are lowering the risk of injury from a fall or slip.
2. Keep a fan in the bathroom
Steam from a shower increases the humidity level in the room. This can also exacerbate COPD, triggering coughing and shortness of breath.
To avoid worsening symptoms, only shower in well-ventilated bathrooms either using a fan or keeping the door open or both. If you have a window in your bathroom you can keep that open as well.
You can also place a portable fan in the bathroom with the door open to ventilate the room, and minimize the humidity.
3. Use your portable oxygen concentrator in the shower
It is ok to use your oxygen in the shower, and it might make it so that you are able to handle the energy it takes to do so.
If you use a portable oxygen concentrator, make sure it is not plugged in to charge, and then you can always add an extension to the cannula tubing so that your concentrator does not get wet.
4. Take less hot showers
This one is easier said than done, because most people love a good hot shower, however this might be the reason you don't feel energized enough to take a shower comfortably.
The heat from the water creates steam so not only is the hot air harder to breath in, the humid steam also poses a lot of issues for people with trouble breathing.
Extreme or Sudden Weight Loss
Weight loss is a sign of severe COPD.
When the damage to your lungs becomes so severe your lung volume will expand in size, which leads to flattening your diaphragm, thereby reducing the amount of space between your lungs and stomach.
You might have noticed that before you were diagnosed with COPD, that you had lost a lot of weight without really doing anything. This is because people with COPD use more calories to breathe than people who don’t have the disease.
So, If you don’t know that you have COPD, this can be perplexing, especially if you’ve tried to gain the weight back and nothing works to do so. This can lead to feeling very run down and weak.
So what can you do?
Try not to eat too fast or eat certain foods that may trigger bloating or indigestion. Doing so can make it harder to breathe and being uncomfortable might discourage you from eating regular, healthy meals as well.
Try to avoid these common triggers:
- salty foods
- spicy foods
- fried foods
- high-fiber foods
- carbonated drinks
- caffeine
To increase your body weight while making sure you get the proper nutrients, it may help to:
- Eat small but frequent meals throughout the day
- Find ways to eat higher calorie foods, such as full-fat milk (“whole milk”) products instead of low fat milk products
- Reduce your intake of fluid during meals to allow more space in your stomach for food
- Drink more fluids in between meals
- Avoid foods and drinks that trigger bloating
- Eat while using oxygen treatments
- Rest before you eat
- In some cases, your doctor or dietitian may encourage you to add a nutritional supplement to your diet.
- Simplify your snacks and meals
- Find ways to prepare snacks and meals more easily might also help you meet your nutritional needs.
For example, you can reduce some of the physical work cooking involves by buying:
- Precut produce
- Microwaveable meals
- Other packaged products
- Cut back on sodium
- When you’re shopping for pre prepared or packaged food products, look for low-sodium options. Eating too much sodium causes your body to retain water, which puts more pressure on your lungs.
It is also important to pay attention to your mental health if you notice that you’ve lost weight around the same time that you’ve been experiencing feelings of depression, anxiety, or stress, consider asking your doctor about ways to improve your mental health.
Antidepressants and other treatments may help you manage your weight while improving your mood and outlook on life.
For more tips and support, your doctor may refer you to a registered dietitian or other specialist. A registered dietitian can help you develop ways to adjust your diet while coping with COPD.
Feet swelling
If you have COPD, you may develop peripheral edema (fluid retention), This causes swelling of the feet, ankles, and legs. This lower body swelling can limit your activity and can be very uncomfortable. It is also a sign of advancing COPD.
As COPD begins to negatively impact your lungs and heart, your blood circulation is eventually affected as well, which causes edema. There are other causes of edema, so you will need a medical evaluation to determine if it is caused by your COPD.
So what can you do?
Medications and lifestyle changes can help reduce leg edema, both of which we will discuss in detail. The important thing is that since edema is a sign that your COPD may be progressing, you might also need to adjust your COPD treatments, for example, your doctor may increase your oxygen therapy prescription.
If you have a hard time doing physical activity due to COPD, it can be difficult to distinguish edema from weight gain.
If you are experiencing lower body swelling from your COPD, fluid management is an important part of the treatment, and it involves lifestyle strategies as well as medication.
Medications that can help reduce edema include diuretic prescriptions, which trigger the elimination of fluid in the urine.
Other methods you should try to minimizing leg swelling include:
- Rest with your feet up: By lifting your feet up at the same level as your heart (or higher) you are reducing the blood flow into your legs which should bring down the swelling.
- Wear compression stockings: Supportive socks may also help bring down the swelling of blood in your feet and ankles. These can normally be purchased at any drugstore.
- Keep up with hydration: You must closely follow your doctor's instructions when it comes to fluids because your fluid intake can be tricky when you have COPD-associated leg edema. Drinking too much fluid can cause edema if your kidneys can't catch up with urine production and on the other hand not drinking enough water may also cause swelling if your kidneys retain excess fluid to prevent dehydration.
- Reduce salt: Your salt intake can influence the edema in your legs. Salt concentration managed by your kidneys, so too little or too much salt can result in swelling or dehydration.
- Get regular exercise: Staying active can help your lungs and heart function properly even if you have COPD it is important to maintain healthy circulation.
Oxygen therapy as treatment for COPD
When you start to get extra oxygen into your system while taking oxygen therapy it can help you have fewer intense bursts of being breathless.
It can also:
- Helps you to sleep better
- Increases your energy and ability to exercise
- Helps you focus
- Boosts your mood
- Improves sex
- Lowers your chance of heart failure (when your heart doesn’t pump enough blood to your body)
- Even prolongs your life expectancy
If your doctor prescribes you oxygen therapy at any point, it is crucial to work with a oxygen supply company that is a licensed distributer and has a dedicated team of experienced respiratory specialist that can connect you with a portable oxygen concentrator that fits into your life with ease.
There are a lot of other random feelings and discomforts that people can attribute to their COPD, and because this disease effects everyone differently, you might also experience something completely different than someone that is you same age and gender with COPD. Therefore, there is not one single treatment plan that works for everyone.
For the most part, the COPD diagnosis means a few things across the board. It is time to take control of your lifestyle, eat healthy foods and eat consistently to maintain a healthy weight, you should continue or start to exercise as much as possible, and you need to quit smoking if you do.
After you have incorporated these healthier lifestyle choices in your daily life, you might recognize other aspects of your life that you need to work on or you need help to mange. These weird symptoms in this article are just a few of the realities COPD patients face, and you might experience one, some, or none of these, but whatever you do, remember you are not alone and there are almost 30 million people in the United states alone with this incurable disease, however you can choose to live a well-balance life or not.
If your doctor prescribes you oxygen therapy at any point, it is crucial to work with a oxygen supply company that is a licensed distributer and has a dedicated team of experienced respiratory specialist that can connect you with a portable oxygen concentrator that fits into your life with ease.