People reach out to us everyday and ask about how they can make their life, living with supplemental oxygen, easier. They call us wondering if there is an alternative for their oxygen tanks and how they can afford it.
When you call us, and your doctor's prescriptions states that you need to be administered oxygen via pulse dose, one of the first units we think of is the Caire Freestyle Comfort, and for a number of reasons. In this article we talk about everything this device can do for you, and how it will contribute to making your life easier and more comfortable.
For the sake of this article, we will say that it the Caire Freestyle Comfort portable oxygen concentrator is the best choice for you, so we are going to talk about everything this device can do for you, and how it will contribute to making your life easier and more comfortable.
Buying a Caire Freestyle Comfort portable oxygen concentrator
There is the argument that oxygen tanks are notably less expensive than portable oxygen concentrators, however this is not exactly the case. While a portable oxygen concentrator costs more upfront, if you have tanks you will constantly have to pay to get them refilled. Not only is this a waste of money but it also takes up a lot of time. Delivering oxygen is not a perfect science, and it may require you to cancel your plans because you have to be home all day waiting for an oxygen delivery to switch out your tanks.
Despite the issues associated with oxygen tanks they are a very popular method for oxygen therapy because they are accessible and have low upfront costs. However, some people do not realize that these costs add up very quickly because you will always have to refill them. Not to mention they’re also really heavy, bulky, and flammable, and they are ultimately an outdated source of long-term oxygen therapy.
Investing in a long-term oxygen therapy solution like a portable oxygen concentrator means you will never have to pay or waste time refilling oxygen tanks. These machines draw in ambient air and output medical-grade oxygen. With a POC, all you need is access to a power outlet in order to charge the batteries. Additionally, the Freestyle Comfort is extremely lightweight and easy to carry making it perfect for traveling and getting out of the house. This does not go without saying that some people cannot afford even the cheapest portable oxygen concentrator.
This is why LPT Medical offers a number of ways for you to purchase a portable oxygen concentrator. We have financing options, so you can pay it off over a series of months, and you also have the option to buy a refurbished unit that will cost you much less than a new unit.
When it comes to how much you will spend on a portable oxygen concentrator, do not shy away from the prices listed online. Most of the time, the manufacturers require the sellers to post their advertising prices, but a simple phone call can adjust the price you pay for a unit, just by speaking to a respiratory specialist. You can reach us at 1-800-946-1201 or find us on Facebook, @LPTMedical.
Caire Freestyle Comfort stats
Here are some quick stats about the Freestyle Comfort.
- 5 pounds
- Pulse Flow Settings 1-5
- 10” H x 7.3” L x 3.1” W
- Up to 16 hours of Battery Life
- 3 Year Warranty
For reference 5 pounds is about the same weight as a two-liter bottle of water, and it can easily fit into a purse, or you can use one of the carrying cases, either an adjustable backpack or side satchel to wear on your hip.
The small compact size makes the Freestyle very easy to carry with you wherever you go, but it was also designed to be ergonomic, and fit into the curve of your body so it doesn’t swing around while you walk or exercise. All of the buttons to adjust your oxygen levels and the power switch are conveniently located on the top of the unit. It is easy to replace the batteries, simply by pulling them out of the bottom of the unit.
Oxygen tanks are an older form of oxygen therapy, and that is why they are not very user friendly. On the other end of the spectrum, the Caire Freestyle Comfort is the newest pulse dose portable oxygen concentrator by CAIRE Inc. which is one of the global leaders in oxygen supply manufacturing. For 50 years, they’ve worked to refine and improve oxygen delivery equipment which helps respiratory patients live more active and productive lives.
The CAIRE Freestyle Comfort does just that. Helps you to live a more active and productive life, and to do so this unit offers one of the longest lasting batteries available.
Battery Life
So, unlike oxygen tanks, POCs run off of batteries, and the better the battery the longer the POC can administer oxygen to the user. With the Freestyle Comfort you will be able to move around on your own terms without boundaries, because this machine offers very long battery life and you can go longer without having to worry about recharging your device.
The flow settings of the Freestyle Comfort go from 1-5, and on the lowest flow setting of 1 which comes out to 210 ml/min, is 16 hours. This is even more than top-of-its-class portable oxygen concentrators like the Inogen One G5.
Similarly to with Inogen oxygen concentrators, you’ll be able to charge your Freestyle Comfort using an AC or a DC outlet, so in the cigarette lighter in your car or at home with a standard outlet.
You have the option to go with the 8-cell battery or the 16-cell. The 16-cell will be slightly more expensive, and it has a recharge time of about 6 hours. The 8-cell battery will take about 3.5 hours to charge. Both batteries will keep the unit under 6 pounds, but the 8-cell battery is just slightly lighter than the 16-cell. If you do a lot of traveling or if you need a higher oxygen output and don’t want to recharge often, the 16-cell battery is right for you. But if you like to relax at home after a trip to the grocery store, the 8-cell is perfect.
This information is similar to how our respiratory specialist will go through the buying process with you so that you feel confident about the choice you are making purchasing the Ciare Freestyle Comfort.
Here is a table the explains the Freestyle Comfort battery life depending on the battery and settings:

Flow settings
The Caire Freestyle Comfort is not just small, it is very powerful. Administering a pulse dose setting from 1 to 5, so 210 ml/min to 1050 ml/min. Because we are a licensed distributor, we can only sell you our POCs with a prescription from your doctor. We also pride ourselves on being able to offer a wide variety of units that will meet almost anyone’s oxygen requirements.
Because the Freestyle comfort does not offer continuous flow, like the Respironics SimplyGo which offers both, this unit is best for someone who needs a flow setting of around 1-3 with the option to increase their oxygen intake over time, if need be, without having to get a new unit.
It is prudent to have room to grow into your portable oxygen concentrator should your oxygen prescription change, during an exacerbation, or should you need more oxygen during exercise.
Here is a table that explains the oxygen output at each setting:

As you can see there is a lot of wiggle room for a person who only needs 420 ml/min of oxygen, and these machines are built to last. We also offer a 3 year long warranty on this unit, so if something should malfunction you will be covered.
Should you ever need to go beyond these oxygen outputs, and the Ciare Freestyle Comfort no longer fits into your daily routine, we have a buyback program in place to make the transition into a new POC smooth and financially responsible.
UltraSense Breath Detection Technology
So what else makes The Caire Freestyle Comfort one of the most efficient and effective on the market? It has an ultra-sensitive breath detection feature so rather than providing you with a constant stream of oxygen, the Freestyle Comfort delivers oxygen only when a breath is detected. This is also known as a “bolus” of oxygen, and it is perfectly synced with your breathing to ensure no oxygen is wasted.
As we mentioned in the section above, The Freestyle Comfort offers you 5 oxygen flow settings with a maximum oxygen output of 1050 ml/min which is enough oxygen for the vast majority of oxygen patients. Depending on your oxygen needs, it may provide plenty of room to move up if your symptoms progress.
Over-all The Caire Freestyle Comfort is one of the top-tier pulse flow oxygen concentrators when it comes to total oxygen output. We are so proud to sell these units in particular because it can be life changing for our patients. We are here to give oxygen patients a new outlook, and hopefully remind them that oxygen therapy can be a very good thing, with the right machinery, you will be able to travel, stay active, stay healthy, and live a longer happier life.
Imagine going from lugging around a bulky oxygen tank to simply inserting you Caire Freestyle Comfort into its carrying case, your purse, or backpack and going out for a walk, to run errands, or golfing! These small freedoms add up, and over time you independence from care-takers and loved ones will blossom.
When is comes to modern oxygen delivery and technology the Caire Freestyle Comfort is at the top of the list, alongside the renowned Inogen One G5, and One G3. This unit has hardly any drawbacks, and as long as you prescription matches the oxygen output, you could go for years and year with this trusty companion. With the Caire Freestyle Comfort, the world is your oyster, and this machine is your ticket to anywhere!