We created another holiday blog from LPT Medical, and this one's dedicated to all of the oxygen patients out there! After writing a blog about 2020 holiday gift ideas for people with COPD we decided that we also wanted to create a blog specifically for respiratory patients that utilize supplemental oxygen therapy.
If you are unfamiliar with supplemental oxygen therapy, it is a life saving treatment for people who have hypoxemia, which ultimately means they have very low blood saturation levels. Hypoxemia can be cause for concern because low oxygen levels can cause complications in body tissue and organs. Normally, a PaO2 reading below 80 mm Hg or a pulse ox (SpO2) below 95 percent is considered low, and in these cases, people will normally be prescribed long-term oxygen therapy.
Ultimately, oxygen therapy is prescribed to people who can’t get enough oxygen on their own. Lung conditions are the main causes that prevents the lungs from absorbing oxygen, including:
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Pneumonia
- Asthma
- Heart failure
- Cystic fibrosis
- Sleep apnea
- Lung disease
- Trauma to the respiratory system
Depending on the severity of the lung condition, oxygen can be administer to slow the progression of chronic illnesses adding years to people's lives, and it also helps everyone who suffers from a lung condition live more active healthier lives.
There are a few ways that oxygen therapy can be administered to the oxygen user. These methods include:
- Oxygen in metal tanks
- Liquid oxygen
- Portable oxygen concentrator
- Home oxygen concentrator
Depending on which method your loved one uses, you can buy little gifts or plan on doing some helpful tasks that make thoughtful holiday gifts.
So, once you determine which type of oxygen device they have, come back to this article, you will find 19 gift ideas for your loved one who uses oxygen.
So let's get into it!
Gift Ideas for Someone on Oxygen
1. Gifting a POC to a loved one with an Oxygen tank
If you are unfamiliar with oxygen therapy products in Denver, CO, portable oxygen concentrators (POC) are the most modern and efficient form of oxygen delivery, over liquid oxygen and oxygen tanks. Portable oxygen concentrators are lightweight, run on a rechargeable battery, and you can take them on airplanes, unlike their counterparts- tanks and liquid oxygen, both are bulky and unsafe to take on a plane.
If your loved one still used an oxygen tank, but would qualify for a portable oxygen concentrator, there are a lot of benefits they could reap by switching from oxygen tanks to a portable oxygen concentrator. First and foremost, if they like to travel, having portable oxygen concentrators is much more reliable for extended periods of time and not having to re-fill the device is much more efficient for extended stays away from home.
There are two kinds of portable oxygen concentrators, one is a pulse flow and the other delivers continuous flow. The most popular pulse flow portable oxygen concentrators on the market are the Inogen One G4 and the Carie Freestyle Comfort. These are in high-demand because of the efficiency and lightweight designs. They are so easy to carry, either with the custom carrying case or in a backpack, but they also offer powerful pulse flow settings, and they can cover most oxygen patients' needs that need pulse dose oxygen flow, and even have some wiggle room should their oxygen prescription increase over time.
With all of this being said, not everyone qualifies for a POC, depending on their oxygen prescription a POC may not be able to fulfill their requirements, in which case they will use oxygen tanks that they have to get refilled bi-weekly.
The other reason people use oxygen tanks rather than POCs is due to the up-front cost associated with a POC. Even though POC are much cheaper in the long-term, because tanks have recurring costs, people shy away from the price tag even though they could be saving thousands of dollars over the course of their life.
Portable oxygen concentrator costs vary depending on the unit in question. There are a lot of products and brands making these oxygen devices, and it can get overwhelming and confusing. So we created a guide that will help narrow down your options and give you the most trusted names in oxygen therapy products.
With all of this in mind, you can discuss with your loved one the potential of upgrading from a tank to a portable oxygen concentrator. This is a wonderful opportunity to give your loved one the gift of freedom and independence, and it is something you can both do together. For more information about the process, purchasing options, warranties call a LPT Medical respiratory specialist at 1-888-416-3855.
Gift Ideas for a Loved One With a Portable Oxygen Concentrator
If you have a loved one with COPD or another lung disease that requires them to be on oxygen 24/7, their oxygen device is with them everyday all day, so the most obvious gift you can get them is something to make their portable oxygen concentrator even better!
A portable oxygen concentrator is a battery powered medical device that does require a doctor’s prescription when you buy from a licensed distributor. These machines are lightweight and dynamic, and can even be taken on airplanes, unlike oxygen tanks and canisters.
Here are some gift ideas that make having a portable oxygen concentrator even easier:
2. An Extra Battery
Oxygen tanks require refills, therefore a delivery company comes and refills empty tanks or replaces empty tanks with filled ones, at least once every two weeks depending on how much oxygen they need.
Every time oxygen is delivered it costs money and time. With a portable oxygen concentrator, all you have to do is charge the batteries!
The batteries can be charged while the user is resting and using the device. However, having an extra battery for a POC has a multitude of benefits. The first being, they can keep an extra battery on them, for extended trips away from home. This way, when their device is running low on battery, they can simply switch the dead battery with a fully charged battery, and they can stay out longer, worry free.
The extra battery is also great to have in the case of emergencies.
3. POC backpack
One of the best aspects of having a portable oxygen concentrator, is the ability to travel and move around so easily! Depending on the device your loved one has, they also likely have a custom carrying case that came with the device when they bought it!
While the custom carrying cases are great for some, backpacks can make caring for their POC along with their belongings even easier. Depending on which POC your loved one has, you can get the matching backpack so the device fits securely into its designated place.
Here are links to some of the Inogen models that are very popular among oxygen users:
Inogen One G3 Rolling Backpack by Portablez
Caire FreeStyle Comfort Backpack
4. GO2 Carry all Inogen One G3 Carrying Bag
The Inogen One G3 is a very popular oxygen device, and because it is an older model, many people still use their One G3, and many people are still buying new ones.
The GO2 Carryall Inogen One G3 bags combine the versatility and lightweight design of the custom carrying case with plenty of additional space for your car keys, wallet, cell phone, and your Inogen G3 accessories. That is not all, the G3 Carryalls are also very fashionable, and it looks more like a purse than a medical carrying case. You can get the carry bag in a black or brown color.
5. External battery charger
While their POC will come with one battery, and AC and DC charging cables, no device comes with an external battery charger. So if your loved one does not have an external charger, this makes a great holiday gift.
Rather than relying on an AC or DC power supply to keep the Inogen One G4 running, with the external chargers, it is easy to swap out a depleted battery for a recharged one at any time. The Inogen One G4 External Battery Charger plugs right into any wall outlet and can charge your single or double batteries quickly and safely.
This will allow you to make sure the battery in your Inogen One G4 is as fresh as possible at all times before you leave your home, and it will also allow you to take an extra battery with you when you're traveling so that you don't run out of power.
The benefits of having a external charger, rather than simply relying on the AC and DC power cords are as follows:
- Charge single and double batteries
- Charges faster than AC and DC power supply
- Indicator to see when your battery is fully charged
6. Larger battery
If your loved one has a POC they will have at least one battery, but with many POCs, there is the option to get the smaller battery or upgrade to a bigger longer-lasting battery. If they only have one small battery, purchasing a compatible larger battery could make a thoughtful holiday gift this year.
Depending on the device they have, you will want to make sure that you get the battery compatible with their device. Most pulse flow devices have the option to upgrade to a larger battery that can last almost twice as long, without having to be switched out or recharged.
You can find links to larger batteries for some of the most popular devices here:
Caire FreeStyle Comfort Large Battery
7. Thrive E- Learning Course
If your loved one did not purchase their oxygen device through LPT Medical, it is possible they weren’t offered this incredible educational course with the purchase of their oxygen device.
The Thrive E-Learning Course is an expert led, Pulmonary education course. Students learn the necessary knowledge and tools to slow chronic disease progression. Respiratory disease should not stop anyone from doing the things they love, this course helps individuals get back to an active and healthy lifestyle.
8. Air Purifier
Someone with COPD needs to breathe clean air as much as possible, this reduces symptoms and even helps to slow down the progression of COPD. So how do you get someone you love clean air in a world filled with wildfires, pollution, dust mites, and some many other irritates?
A high quality air filter is renowned for its ability to remove almost all airborne particles from the air indoors. Having an air filter can relieve allergy symptoms, improve sleep and help improve overall health, for people suffering from COPD an air filter is a wise decision to improve their quality of life not just within their own home, but it will improve their health and wellbeing so they can spend more time outdoors if they chose to.
9. Lung Health Meter
Keeping track of one’s health is crucial for someone with COPD. Because this disease is chronic and progressive, it is very helpful for doctors and the pulmonary health team to have updated notes on how the disease has progressed since the last time visiting the doctor.
One of the most important tests when measuring respiratory health is the pulmonary function tests, which can be taken with a forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). A Lung Health Meter can store up to FEV1 240 readings, so tracking pulmonary health over time is easy.
10. Fingertip Pulse Oximeter

11. Ultra-Breathe Compact Breathing Exerciser
It might not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about what a respiratory patient needs- but exercise is necessary to maintain good health and slow the progression of COPD. Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining respiratory health, yet finding a balanced exercise that challenges COPD patients without exhausting them can be difficult.
A compact breathing exerciser boosts respiratory performance and it is a great device for those who suffer from shortness of breath by providing breathing resistance that is easily adjustable for varying lung fitness levels.
12. Bike or Home Exercise Bike
As we mentioned before, exercising is crucial for anyone who is looking to improve their muscular strength and endurance, and this includes COPD patients who want to better their respiratory health. That being said, for people with COPD, it can be very challenging to exercise.
An exercise bike gives them the opportunity to work out their cardiovascular system from the comfort of their own homes. An exercise bike does not have to be a demanding work out and it is especially gentle on the joints compared to other workouts.
13. Walking Shoes
.A nice pair of walking shoes is a great gift for a person with COPD because walking is just about the single most important activity a person suffering from chronic lung illnesses can possibly do.
Even if they walk more indoors than outdoors, having a supportive walking shoe with good traction can help them feel motivated and confident to walk safely around their home or neighborhood.
14. COPD Healthy Cookbook and COPD guide books
There’s no known cure for COPD but there are things you can do to live and breathe better and eating healthy is one. Healthy COPD oriented cookbooks can help someone you love, live better with COPD.
When you can't breathe, nothing else matters, what might help is knowing that about 16 Million Americans suffer from COPD as well, and there are a lot of resources, including books, available with tips and tricks on how to manage this disease.
Helpful books about COPD can be about how it affects the patient’s breathing, books about the most up-to-date medication and treatment options, self-help books about how to track symptoms and medications. Books that give the reader breathing techniques to improve oxygen intake or strategies for healthy nutrition and gentle exercise. Or, books about what to eat and what to avoid, with lists of key COPD foods. Lastly, books with stories from others who also have COPD can help pass the time spent in quarantine, and remind them that they are not alone in this.
Free Gifts
15. Your Time
If there is one thing that respiratory patients and people with chronic illness value is time spent with their loved ones. Spending quality time, playing cards, watching a movie, or if you are socially distancing from you family members at this time, simply chatting over FaceTime or Zoom calls can make a big difference and qualifies for one of the best holiday gifts you could offer someone this year.
16. A Favor or Two
Accomplishing the most basic everyday tasks can be increasingly difficult for people who have a chronic lung condition. Work like gardening, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, and cooking take a lot of energy to accomplish and on top of doing the chores, having a hard time breathing on top of that, chores become nearly impossible. Offering to help with one or two of these tasks can make the holidays much more enjoyable, and if you get to spend quality time with that person, it's like two gifts in one.
17. Communication
A phone call, text, or email is a great way to receive love and caring from family members of people with lung conditions. It can truly make a day or even a week to hear from a loved one and know you are being thought of. Communication is so easy (and cheap) … why not make someone’s day with a quick note?
Other Little Gift Ideas
18. Roomba
The Roomba is a great gift for our friends and family that have a hard time vacuuming on their own. Vacuuming and pushing and pulling is too much for oxygen patients, especially if they also have to maneuver their oxygen tank around with them. Vacuuming can also bring up dust and allergy triggers that can induce a COPD exacerbation.
19. Wireless Earbuds
Wireless earbuds are a great gift for oxyg