- Charge your device in the car or at home
- Use the AirSep Focus while charging it
- Lightweight and easy to store
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AirSep Focus Universal Power Supply
The AirSep Focus Universal Power Supply is your all-in-one power supply for your AirSep Focus.
It is equipped with both an AC and a DC power cord allowing you to recharge your AirSep Focus battery and power your AirSep Focus virtually anywhere you go.
Using the AirSep Focus AC Power Supply
The AirSep Focus doesn’t contain an internal battery, so in order to use it, you are either going to need to hook it up to an external battery or keep it plugged into an electrical outlet inside of your home.
With the AirSep Focus AC Power Supply, it will be easy to keep your AirSep Focus running simply by plugging it into a normal wall outlet or an AC power supply.
The AirSep Focus AC Power Supply is an essential part of your AirSep Focus because there are probably going to be times when you either don’t have any external battery that is charged or can’t find your battery.
In these instances, you will be able to rely on your AirSep Focus AC Power Supply to provide power to your AirSep oxygen concentrator.
The AirSep Focus AC Power Supply features a fully molded design that will help it to stand up over time.
It will be very durable for you, and it should last just as long as your AirSep Focus does, as long as you take care of it.
However, you still might want to consider purchasing a second or even third AirSep Focus AC Power Supply for your oxygen concentrator.
It’s not a bad idea to keep several of them in different parts of your home for the convenience that will come along with it. It’s also not a bad idea to keep an extra AirSep Focus AC Power Supply on hand at all times just in case your main AirSep Focus AC Power Supply is damaged or lost at any point.
There are other AC power supplies that might look like they will fit into your AirSep oxygen concentrator, but to avoid damaging your unit, you should only use the AirSep Focus AC Power Supply.
It is specifically designed to work with your AirSep product, and it will ensure that you are able to use it safely.
You will also find the AirSep Focus AC Power Supply to be your most reliable option.
You will be able to keep your AirSep oxygen concentrator powered up whenever you need it, and you will never have to worry about not getting the oxygen that your body needs.
Using the AirSep Focus DC Power Supply
If you rely on an AirSep Focus oxygen concentrator to provide you with a steady supply of oxygen, there are going to be times when you need to use it away from home.
There are several ways that you can do it. You can bring an AirSep Focus AC Power Supply and plug it into a standard wall outlet to keep your AirSep Focus running.
You can also use an AirSep Focus 8-cell external battery to power up your oxygen concentrator at all times.
But for those who plan to use their AirSep Focus inside of a vehicle, the AirSep Focus DC Power Supply is the best option of all.
It will let you take your AirSep Focus on the road with you so that you can use it without draining your battery at all.
The AirSep Focus DC Power Supply is designed to both recharge and provide power to the AirSep Focus as well as the AirSep Freestyle model.
All you need to do to use it is plug it directly into the DC power source inside your car, truck, SUV, RV, or even boat.
As long as your DC power source is working, the AirSep Focus DC Power Supply will keep your AirSep Focus running for as long as you need it.
Whether you want to use it for a quick run to the store or for a cross-country trip, your AirSep Focus DC Power Supply will offer you newfound freedom when you use your oxygen concentrator.
The AirSep Focus DC Power Supply is extremely travel-friendly and it won’t ever be a burden when you’re using it in your vehicle.
It’s a very durable power supply, and it’s lightweight so it won’t get in the way or restrict your movement when it’s hooked up to your AirSep Focus.
It also doesn’t have a power brick attached to it, which is a huge selling point for anyone who has ever been forced to use a similar DC power supply with a brick.
The brick can make a DC power supply feel heavier than it needs to be, and it can be a burden to those who need to use one.
With the AirSep Focus DC Power Supply, you will keep power running to your AirSep oxygen concentrator and allow yourself to get back to living your life instead of worrying about how you’re going to get the oxygen your body needs.